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  • VE Pro not playing well with cc intensive Kontakt instruments (LASS, The Trumpet) in Pro Tools

    Using the new Vienna Ensemble Pro on a Mac Pro Quad 2x2.66, in ProTools 8.0.1, OS 10.5.8.

    I'll make a Kontakt 3 instance, load a LASS patch and play for a while. If I close the session then opening it again, I get soft hanging notes and lots of irregularities. The same happens with SampleModeling The Trumpet, but much more dramatically (everything out of tune).

    I can fix it by reloading the instrument. I thought just rebooting the Kontakt engine might do it, but it doesn't.

    I also tried running VE Pro in standalone, but I got the same issues. A quick test in Logic does not have that problem, so maybe it is a Pro Tools issue?

    EDIT:  I got an insight from another forum:  Is Vienna Ensemble Pro using a VST protocol?  Is there a conflict between RTAS and VST?


    John Davis

  • John,

    I just tried reproducing the behavior using PT 8.01 LE, The Trumpet and Kontakt 3.5. Everything works as expected for me. Could you perhaps send me a session, including just the trumpet, which exhibits this problem?


  • I have the same problem.

    I use Cubase 5.1/Win XP64 on the DAW. On the server side: VE-pro, Win XP64, Kontakt 3.5 with LASS library.


    Stuck and/or missing notes (or at inconsistent volumes) when playing LASS strings LEGATO patches (obviously with the LASS legato Kontakt script). Never happened with any patched that don't use the legato script.


    I open a new VEP instance, label it (so it is preserved), load a Kontakt 3.5 and load my LASS multi. I connect to this server through network from Cubase 5.1. Then I get the problem (see above). If I reload the Kontakt Multi (which takes some long time!!) then everything is fine - no problems. Please note that while reloading the K3 multi I haven't touch any VEpro connection stuff.

    From this point if I save Cubase's project with the connection to the server made (active), close the Cubase and then reopen the saved Cubase project (obviously the connection to the server is automatically done) -> I got the problem. I would have to reload the K3 multi, without touching the VEpro connection (again some long waiting time!!) - fine.

    The only way I could get the VEpro server keep the multi in a "uncorrupted form" is if I disconnect that particular VE pro instance (from the VEpro plugin), and THEN save the Cubase project. Now everytime I open that saved project, and then (obviously) making the manual connection to the VEpro slave instance, it works. The LASS kontakt3 multi on the server side remains "uncorrupted".

    I hope this problem gets sorted out; the reason why I got VE3 (and VEpro) was that I wanted to merge my extensive VI library with the LASS strings, on the same computer.


  • I am looking into the issue with LASS, there is a copy on the way to me with FedEx as we speak.

  • just want to report that I experience similar problems running Logic 9.01 on 10.5.7 with a 10.6.1 VE Pro slave.

         What's really weird on my setup is that sometimes certain midi channels won't work with Kontakt patches any more (seems to be independent of which sample library I use) For example right now, I can't play any Kontakt instrument on midi channel 8 - true for the local VE Pro and two slave Macs. At the same time, channel 8 works fine with VSL patches in VE Pro (loaded into 64 bit server).  I am not sure how to reproduce this yet. And maybe this is a different issue?

  • Hallo everybody,

    following happens on my system:

    case 1

    i open a 32 bit  + 64 bit server interface on the same mashine with host logic 9.

    I open a instance of Kontakt 3.5 on the 32 bit server- now, if i select in logic another track to play -for example - on the 64 bit server , the connection to the 32 bit server hangs. i see the midi detection light flashing on the 32er module but no audio is sending to logic. it only happens if i use kontakt in the 32er server. when select the 32er server in logic again, the signal is back.

    i think its a special issue of kontakt player handling the midi&audio streams. both..kontakt & ve pro have a conflict over there

    case 2

    sometimes...after crash ..i can´t open a ve pro server in logic the version of ve pro is not matching with l9 ?. when i delete the following file:( / User/Library/Prefernces)  i can open ve pro again

    the crash seems to damage this pref file so that u can´t open ve pro again

    case 3

    sometimes after crashing i got a failure message when opening the ve pro serverinterface....missing the lizens or something like this.

    after using the lizens key of my old mashine g5 (eLicenser did not work on my 8 core??) and using the repaire funktion of the e-lecenser turning back the key to my re-started 8core...everything is fine but only when the 8 core is at first restarted..then putting in the lecenser



    my system:

    OSX 10.6

    Logic 9

    Modellname: Mac Pro

      Modell-Identifizierung: MacPro3,1

      Prozessortyp: Quad-Core Intel Xeon

      Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,8 GHz

      Anzahl der Prozessoren: 2

      Gesamtzahl der Kerne: 8

      L2-Cache (pro Prozessor): 12 MB

      Speicher: 16 GB

  • I'm also experiencing the same issues using Kontakt, LASS and DP7.

  • The bug you are experiencing will only occur at non-44.1k samplerates, and is related to Kontakt not being able to change samplerates on-the-fly. I have made a workaround for this, which fixes the problems with LASS and TheTrumpet. This will be included with the next update.

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    @MS said:

    The bug you are experiencing will only occur at non-44.1k samplerates, and is related to Kontakt not being able to change samplerates on-the-fly. I have made a workaround for this, which fixes the problems with LASS and TheTrumpet. This will be included with the next update.

    Great, GREAT news, Martin! Thank you for being so diligent and "on top" of this! You all have created an amazing software and I personally would like to say thank you for everything that you are doing.

    I personally really appreciate's guys like you that enable me to send my kids to private school! 

    Thanks again, Martin


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    @MS said:

    The bug you are experiencing will only occur at non-44.1k samplerates, and is related to Kontakt not being able to change samplerates on-the-fly. I have made a workaround for this, which fixes the problems with LASS and TheTrumpet. This will be included with the next update.

    Great, GREAT news, Martin! Thank you for being so diligent and "on top" of this! You all have created an amazing software and I personally would like to say thank you for everything that you are doing.

    I personally really appreciate's guys like you that enable me to send my kids to private school! 

    Thanks again, Martin


  • Martin,

    that's awesome, thanks! I have two questions as I am tweaking my setup for reliability:

    Will your workaround work for all 48kHz Kontakt libraries or only for LASS and The trumpet?

    I use both and many other 44kHz Kontakt libraries. I suppose if I switch my projects to 48kHz, I would potentially experience the Kontakt bug with the 44kHz libraries instead? Is this correct?

  • With the next update, all samplerate related issues should be gone with Kontakt, regardless of your samplerate.

    The only occasion when you would need a project reload - is when you change samplerates in an existing setup / project / song. Kontakt simply cannot switch samplerates on the fly.

  • thanks, Martin, sounds excellent.

    However, I just made a test: restarted everything from scratch (new Logic song, new VE Pro performance; shut down + started Macs; set sample rate to 48kHz in Logic and my audio interface (Fireface 400) and on the slave Mac just to make sure. loaded LASS in a new performance and I got even more hanging notes and notes not playing than before. Does this make sense?

  • It makes sense now, since you don't have the update in your hands just yet!

  • sorry, you lost me.[:$] I guessed that Kontakt would start in 48kHz when I set projects and audio to 48kHz and restart things. But it looks like this guess is wrong. Looking forward to the update - can't wait in fact!!!

    thanks, Martin, for your patience with me.

  • VE Pro will currently initialize the AU/VSTi correctly, but Kontakt has a peculiar expectancy of being handed samplerate/blocksize before the effect is actually opened, not after opening and during initialization - like normal plugins handle (as they should).

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    @john_1332 said:

    Using the new Vienna Ensemble Pro on a Mac Pro Quad 2x2.66, in ProTools 8.0.1, OS 10.5.8.

    I'll make a Kontakt 3 instance, load a LASS patch and play for a while. If I close the session then opening it again, I get soft hanging notes and lots of irregularities. The same happens with SampleModeling The Trumpet, but much more dramatically (everything out of tune).

    I can fix it by reloading the instrument. I thought just rebooting the Kontakt engine might do it, but it doesn't.

    I'm also experiencing the above issue john_1332 described, in my case on XP64. On project load the legato LASS patches don't load properly, as if the scripts are somehow broken, but loading them afresh into kontakt fixes this (until the next time the project is closed and re-opened).

    So just to clarify Martin, the above issue is the one that you've addressed caused by the Kontakt sample rate issue?  I only ask because my problem isn't the one the grenular described having and I wasn't sure which issue you have fixed and incorporated into the next update.

    Thanks - Brett

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    @brett said:

    So just to clarify Martin, the above issue is the one that you've addressed caused by the Kontakt sample rate issue?


  • Thanks Martin.  I must say this is all quite amazing, the responsiveness of VSL to their users.  Almost unheard of amoungst the larger players and gives me great confidence.  Hats off.  You've certainly won me over.


  • Hi Martin.

    I just upgraded to build 4536 and this issue is not fixed for me.  Just to clarify, the issue is that on XP64 in Cubase 4, upon loading a saved project any cc-intensive legato LASS patches don't load properly as if the scripts are somehow broken.  However re-loading any of the affected patches directly into Kontakt afresh fixes this (until the next time the project is closed and re-opened).

    This, and the crashes I detailed in this thread mean that I'm better off with the earlier build.  Is anyone else affected?
