I have the same problem.
I use Cubase 5.1/Win XP64 on the DAW. On the server side: VE-pro, Win XP64, Kontakt 3.5 with LASS library.
Stuck and/or missing notes (or at inconsistent volumes) when playing LASS strings LEGATO patches (obviously with the LASS legato Kontakt script). Never happened with any patched that don't use the legato script.
I open a new VEP instance, label it (so it is preserved), load a Kontakt 3.5 and load my LASS multi. I connect to this server through network from Cubase 5.1. Then I get the problem (see above). If I reload the Kontakt Multi (which takes some long time!!) then everything is fine - no problems. Please note that while reloading the K3 multi I haven't touch any VEpro connection stuff.
From this point if I save Cubase's project with the connection to the server made (active), close the Cubase and then reopen the saved Cubase project (obviously the connection to the server is automatically done) -> I got the problem. I would have to reload the K3 multi, without touching the VEpro connection (again some long waiting time!!) - fine.
The only way I could get the VEpro server keep the multi in a "uncorrupted form" is if I disconnect that particular VE pro instance (from the VEpro plugin), and THEN save the Cubase project. Now everytime I open that saved project, and then (obviously) making the manual connection to the VEpro slave instance, it works. The LASS kontakt3 multi on the server side remains "uncorrupted".
I hope this problem gets sorted out; the reason why I got VE3 (and VEpro) was that I wanted to merge my extensive VI library with the LASS strings, on the same computer.