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  • No activation code received

    'm trying to activate the Vienna Percussion library (standard and extended version). It appears that I successfully registered it at the Vienna website (in my user area), but I did not receive an activation code for the syncrosoft license. Usually this arrives via email almost immediately after I have registered the product.


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    marko, we have now forwarded a copy of the confirmation message to your registered email addres ...

    the erroor message from your mailserver was:

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:


    SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

    host 550 Too many invalid recipients

    btw: the activation code is also displayed on the confirmation page in a textbox for copy&paste into the LCC

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I still heve not received an activation code. 

  • i have now copied the email into a private message ...


    until this moment there is no error message for the second email - please contact your provider or mailserver administrator to get this issue fixed


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  •  I still haven't received anything from your web site. Your respone seemed to worked fine last week when I made the purchase, but now there's no response.

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    please check your private messages ... still no error message returned ...

    please check also your spam folder or contact your mailserver admin for setup

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  •  I received the activation code through the pm service, but I still don't understand why I am not getting any response from tech support to my current email adrress. I don't even get an automated reponse when I email tech support.

    I don't have a spam blocker.

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    @Marko said:

    I received the activation code through the pm service, but I still don't understand why I am not getting any response from tech support to my current email adrress. I don't even get an automated reponse when I email tech support.

    I don't have a spam blocker.

    25th and 26th of December are Christmas holidays in Austria.



  • LOL ... yes, and it is 1 AM CET here ;-)

    and: would you really like to receive some *thank you for contacting VSL support, we will care about your issue on the next working day* reply instead some efficient help? ... next working day would be monday 29th btw ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I'm not sure if I am communicating the issue to you.

     Let me try again. (a) Usually when I register a product on your website I get an immediate email response with the activation code. I presume this is automatic and does not require a human subject sending a response to me. That's the way it worked in the past.

    Similarly, when I have emailed tech support in the past I would immediately receive an automated reponse from your service, indicating that my email had been received. Again, I am presuming that these are automated features that do not require a person being present to initiate the response.

    But I am not receiving any automated response from your server. Does this make sense? If it does make sense, is it a problem? Perhaps it's not a problem that the process has suddenly become different, but it seems to be a deviation.

    The problem could be at my end of things, but nothing has changed here. I don't have anything from you in a spam filter.

    Does your automated server go on holiday too? If it does, I wish it a happy holiday.


  • mark - please read my replies to your post above - the answer is still the same: the message has been sent (several times) and only 1 (ONE) error message came back to us (see my first reply).

    you never can have received an automated reply on emails sent to VSL support and i already explained why: we prefer to answer instead of sending auto-responders ... and that is what we did actually ...


    > -----Original Message-----

    > From: VSL Support []

    > Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 11:18 PM

    > To: '****'

    > Subject: FW: VSL Activation Code


    > forward ...


    i wish you also happy holidays, without insinuation though, and if no spam filter or junk-mail folder is involved again i'd recommend to contact the support of your email provider

    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.