Do you mind if I comment on Musiv's problem setting up instruments?
It's just that something which happened to me when I was first trying out the VSL / Ensemble might be worth checking. It may be helpful to all beginners.
I got into terrible confusion loading samples into Ensemble because I forgot to click on Instrument each time before loading. This was because when you click on Instrument 1 and then matrix select, on the left hand side of the interface one sees a vertical set of slots, the first marked 'C0'. I clicked on a matrix from the right hand list and it loaded correctly on the left top slot. But I forgot to click on Instrument 2 - I just clicked on the next matrix - for a different instrument sample and saw that appear in the next slot down. Of course I had just loaded two different instruments into Instrument 1! Actually I wasn't consistent in this, so I did load other samples correctly - but through not understanding the process I did keep making mistakes which messed up playback. To the beginner it is easy to assume that the lefthand slots is a single instance, when in fact there is a different row of slots for each Instrument in the far left list. I hope this is clear to anyone who is just beginning. Perhaps this isn't the problem for musiv - but I thought I should mention it.
The video goes quite fast, so it is easy to miss the click on the left hand instruments.
Another thing which might confuse beginners is that loading a sample does not automatically change 'Instrument 1' on the far left to the name of the instrument loaded - you have to type it in yourself. Then it will appear at the top of each channel in the mixer.