Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Do owners of the full Symphonic Cube have access to these downloads? It doesn't say so anywhere... which kind of leaves me wondering...


  • I think the website has so many bug for this sale, which turn me off buying anything (this is a second time, 1st time was DVD products, extended libs of woodwinds) I have SE Brass+, I select buy extended - it's 135 just like before while I am support to have 15% off, old price is in "euro tba". Thanks ------------ Another question :) about the free Bassoon II, "on or before Jan 15" so I registered Woodwind 1-2 and special WW about 2-3 months ago, meaning "before Jan 15, right?" so me too will have it for free? if so, it's a real treat.

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    @MartinL said:

    Do owners of the full Symphonic Cube have access to these downloads? It doesn't say so anywhere... which kind of leaves me wondering...


    I am wondering the same thing, since full cube owners have invested the greatest amount monetary wise.

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    @dsstudio said:

    it's 135 just like before while I am support to have 15% off,

    you're right ... adding the line with old price for USD corrupted displaying the orchestra prices (which are EUR only) ... fixed now ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hello,

    I am an owner of the Special Brass full edition. VSL is offering Fanfare Trumpets free with purchase of (whatever). My question is: do I already own those fanfare trumpets if I own the Special Brass full edition?


  • Dear VSL staff i am registered user for Brass 1 2 and Special Brass Standard and Extended but Bb trumpet is showing the full price. Do i am elegible for the free download ? I am also full registered for Woods 1 2 and special so Basson 2 is showing my price is 0. Thanks in advance.

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    @MartinL said:

    Do owners of the full Symphonic Cube have access to these downloads? It doesn't say so anywhere... which kind of leaves me wondering...




    I am wondering the same thing, since full cube owners have invested the greatest amount monetary wise.

    Here's a third Cube owner wondering if we qualify for any discounts. Sure hope so. Merry Christmas. Tom

  •  Herb, I have the whole SE & SE plus bundle bundle registered, including several other download instruments. Recently I have also purchased the fanfare trumpets. Will I be eligible for something else rather than the fanfare trumpets which I already have? thanks

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    @MartinL said:

    Do owners of the full Symphonic Cube have access to these downloads? It doesn't say so anywhere... which kind of leaves me wondering...


    I am wondering the same thing, since full cube owners have invested the greatest amount monetary wise.

    Here's a third Cube owner wondering if we qualify for any discounts. Sure hope so. Merry Christmas. Tom

    Hi Tom & Martin,

    Symphonic Cube users who have also the Special woodwinds package registered will qualify for the Bassoon II,

    and Symphonic Cube who have also the Special Brass package qualify for the Bb Trumpet.



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    @hose said:

    Herb, I have the whole SE & SE plus bundle bundle registered, including several other download instruments. Recently I have also purchased the fanfare trumpets. Will I be eligible for something else rather than the fanfare trumpets which I already have? thanks

    Hi hose,  

    please contact sales [at] vsl [dot] co [dot] at



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    @anton said:

    Dear VSL staff i am registered user for Brass 1 2 and Special Brass Standard and Extended but Bb trumpet is showing the full price. Do i am elegible for the free download ? I am also full registered for Woods 1 2 and special so Basson 2 is showing my price is 0. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Anton,

    don't worry as soon as the new instruments are ready for sale, there will be a "Your Price" columne for both instrument displaying "0 €".

    Than you will be able to order Bassoon II and trumpet Bb licenses without any payment.

    You are defentitely elegible for the free download.



  •  When will the new Bb Trumpet be avalible?

  • Funny - I asked the same thing. Herb replied that we DO.

    (near the bottom....)

  • Well if anyone should know, it's Herb! Thanks for the reply.  

  • Hi Herb,

    My question was more related to the fanfare trumpets. What about them... will owner of the Symphonic Cube be able to get them free? 


  • I was also wondering this. It seems as if the SE people are getting the freebie, while those of us fully invested in the complete symphonic cube library are being left out in the winter cold...

  • i'd say the trumpet Bb and bassoon 2 offer makes the winter rather mild .... two instruments you don't have so far (since they are not yet released) whereas you have already a much larger set of the fanfare trumpets if you already have the special brass ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @anton said:

    Dear VSL staff i am registered user for Brass 1 2 and Special Brass Standard and Extended but Bb trumpet is showing the full price. Do i am elegible for the free download ? I am also full registered for Woods 1 2 and special so Basson 2 is showing my price is 0. Thanks in advance.



    Hi Anton,


    don't worry as soon as the new instruments are ready for sale, there will be a "Your Price" columne for both instrument displaying "0 €".

    Than you will be able to order Bassoon II and trumpet Bb licenses without any payment.

    You are defentitely elegible for the free download.





    Many thanks !

  • That's just it - I don't own special brass. I bought special woodwinds, which entitles me to Bassoon 2 (for which I'm greatly thankful), but my original point was that those of us who purchased the symphonic cube have no access to the fanfare trumpets (or the Bb trumpet, for that matter).

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    @haydn12 said:

    I've also been wondering about the US dollar prices of the downloads.  Are they at the current Euro to US Dollar rate?


    I've almost hit the Submit Order button a few times but the lack of not seeing the current US Dollar rate has made me stop every time.



    I too was curious about this! Love to hear an official answer.