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  • Hi Andi: At that link I only see Sibelius presets. Thanks, Michael

  •  Andi:

    Michael's right - - there are only Sibelius soundsets at the link you mentioned.



  • This Finale file was made for the Vienna Special Edition. You can see it only if you have registered the Special Edition.



    Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  Andi:

    Thanks for clarifying. Wondering if there any plans for Finale soundsets for other libraries (e.g. solo strings, parts of the Cube, etc.)? It would also be helpful to those of us who do not have the SE to learn what you did - - to provide a model for other libraries.



  • Hello Stephen!

    At the moment there are no plans for further human playback settings for Finale, but maybe things will change with Finale 2009.

    To avoid confusion I would rather not make the Special Edition file available for everybody, but I can send it to you via email.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi, Could you please publish a short -How to use...?

  • Hi Andi, I would love to have a copy as well, as I have been working with Finale and VI for some time. Thanks! Michael

  • Hi Andi,

    I request a copy of the human playback setting file for VSL Spec. Ed.. By the way, I thought about buying the spec. ed. when it came out, but I own about 2/3 of its content already, so it wasn't cost effective. It would be very cool if Vienna would consider lower pricing on Spec. Ed. for customers who already own a portion of the content.



    Large Vienna Library all on SSD, Protools/Carbon on M1 MacBook Pro, OSX Monterey 12.7, Steinway D, Rhodes Mk8-FX, Osmose, Moog One, Trigon 6-DT, OB-X8, Prophet 10 rev4, OB-6-DT, Kawai VPC-1
  • Steve and Michael: I have sent you a mail.

    Alain: Here is the "how to use" for the Finale 2008 file from the User area. These instructions will be in the same zip-file as the Finale file soon.

    This is an empty Finale file with Human Playback Settings for the Vienna Special Edition. It does not work with other collections. These settings will take care of Keyswitches automatically, when you change articulations.

    1. To communicate with the Vienna Ensemble, Finale needs a virtual MIDI device (like IAC on Mac or MIDI Yoke on PC). If you don't have it installed yet, do that first. If you have Vienna Ensemble on a different machine, you don't need the Virtual device. In this case you can work with your hardware MIDI connection.
    2. Open the file Empty_VSL-SE-Playback.MUS with Finale.
    3. Create the systems you need and make instrument and channel settings in the instrument list.
    4. In MIDI/Audio go to MIDI Setup and choose your (virtual) MIDI device.
    5. From the MIDI/Audio menu activate MIDI Playback (instead of VST Playback)
    6. Open Vienna Ensemble, make the same channel settings as in Finale and load the matrices of the instruments from your score.

    Best wishes,


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi, could you please define exactly what means -change articulations- from Finale...? There is many ways... Thanks

  • Alain, sorry if that was not clear enough.
    I will give you an example:
    When you write a slur, the Human Playback settings will send the corresponding keyswitch, so that Vienna Ensemble switches to a legato patch. When you write a staccato mark, it will send the keyswitch for the staccato patch. ....


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • andi, Thanks ... i'll try that...

  • andi, I do not know why but it does not work here...??? Do I need to load special library in finale...? Also I Final KS are starting on C0 and in Ve KS are starting on C1 ??? Or I'm misunderstand something ???

  • Hello Alain,

    Just load the Special Edition matrices in Vienna Ensemble.
    We call middle C C4, Finale calls it C3. That's why keyswitches in the Finale file are one octave lower. But that's just the name. In fact they are the same. Finale C0 = VSL C1

    Is your MIDI connection working? Does Vienna Ensemble play anything?


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi:

    I have worked with Finale and Vienna SE the last couple of months and I created my own HP prefs for Vienna SE some time ago.

    I took a brief look at the HP prefs on the VSL site and they seem ok, just one thing: Double Bass, Bass trombone and tuba has different keyswitches than the high pitched instruments (as I'm sure you know). You'll need to add these instruments and assign the correct keyswittches to them (C6-D#6 (F#6)) to the HP prefs to get them to work properly.

    I could send you my HP prefs if you are interested.


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    @stevesong said:

     As far as I can tell, the current iteration of Finale's Human Playback is incompatible with VE and VI because, among other things, regardless of the fact that you set the dynamics for sustaining interests to CC#11 + Key Velocity in Finale's HP preferences dialog box, Finale sends a stream of CC#7 data as well. When  a file  in which  the  preferences were set as described (for CC#11 + Key Velocity) and Finale's HP data was saved to the file and then transferred  to Logic via a MIDI file,  there was no trace of CC#11  data -  - only CC#7 data. To get expressive playback with the current version of Finale one must enter the CC data manually, using the MIDI Tool. 



    I succesfully saved a finale file as a standard midi file including CC#11 (instead of CC#7) data and continued to work with this project in Logic. It is possible. I also constructed my own HP prefs in Finale and the correct keyswitches were also applied to the file.

    This was however some months ago but I seem to remember some buggy behavior with applying a custom HP prefs to a file. There was some problem getting the custom HP prefs to show when using the plugin. If you choose another HP prefs in the playback options you would still have the HP default prefs (for GPO) when using the plugin. I'm afraid I can't remember now how I solved this.


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    @Albert S said:


    I succesfully saved a finale file as a standard midi file including CC#11 (instead of CC#7) data and continued to work with this project in Logic. It is possible. I also constructed my own HP prefs in Finale and the correct keyswitches were also applied to the file.

    This was however some months ago but I seem to remember some buggy behavior with applying a custom HP prefs to a file. There was some problem getting the custom HP prefs to show when using the plugin. If you choose another HP prefs in the playback options you would still have the HP default prefs (for GPO) when using the plugin. I'm afraid I can't remember now how I solved this.




    Are you saying that you saved the MIDI file after having applied the HP plugin to it and found that you had CC#11 rather than CC#7 data when you opened it in Logic - - or are you saying that you manually wrote CC#11 data in Finale file with the MIDI Tool and it appeared correctly when you opened the MIDI file in Logic? 



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    @stevesong said:

    Are you saying that you saved the MIDI file after having applied the HP plugin to it and found that you had CC#11 rather than CC#7 data when you opened it in Logic - -

    Yes. Or more accurate, I changed "Dynamic Approach for Sustaining Instruments" to "Expression (CC#11)+Velocity" in my own set of HP prefs. (The default setting for GPO is "Automatic", usually this means volume controlled by CC#7)

    The problem here is when you want to apply HP as a plugin. When you choose "Apply Human Playback" in the plugin meny and click on the Prefences button, only the Default Prefs for HP will show. You need to go back to the playback window, choose "HP prefences" and then attach your own set of HP prefs to the Active file. When you go back to the plugin preferences your own set of HP prefs should show as well.

    This strange behavior is probably caused by a bug in Finale (another one...[:)])

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    Hello Albert!

    Thanks for your input. I will update the file soon, so that the low instruments get the right keyswitches. I'm interested in your settings. You can send me the file to

    Best wishes,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Andi,

    I just e-mailed you my HP prefs. I hope they are some use to you.

    Another thought: Have you been in contact with Robert Piechaud? Since he is the maker of Human Playback it would be nice if he could provide some help. He's always very busy (aren't we all?) but I did have some contact with him last year regarding HP prefs for full version of Kontakt and GPO (they needed some tweaking... [:)]) Maybe worth a shot?
