Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Enlighten said:

    And does the fact that there are more VI users than sample library users justify the fact that the upgrade paths of the sample library users should be wiped out if they don't shell out thousands of dollars in the next 3-6 months?

    am i supposed to answer to someone who does neither provide his real name nor address information, but just a throw-away email address, does not have any products registered and 2 posts?

    enlighten me please, christian

    Since you seem to not want to answer this question when it is asked by "Enlighten", I would like to ask the same question; and I am a registered user of several VSL libraries including: Complete 1st edition, Epic Horns (Horizon version), Chamber Strings (Horizon Version), and App. Strings. While I have never posted a comment on the message board, I do read it daily. Just because there are more VI users than sample library users, does not invalidate the remaining sample library users. I have constantly recommend VSL to my piers and co-workers, but no longer will I continue to do so. Michael Cochran

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    @clarkcontrol said:

    Well, I'm going to have to get very cozy with Kontakt now, porting over the FE perf stuff, etc. so I can upgrade my OS and DAW without losing my "lifetime investment..."



    Same here.

    Good luck porting the 1st Edition Performance Set to Kontakt.

    I tried to get them to sell me the K2 version but "it's an obsolete product." 

    They just don't give a s***

  • A suggestion.... 

    Since VSL is opting out of their committment on the upgrade discounts for certain obsolete products, maybe it's reasonable for the users to request that they be allowed to sell their license for any affected products.

  • I would like to recomend vsl not discontinue the VIP upgrade path.  Doing so could bring a costly class action lawsuit and that isn't good for anyone, including those who have upgraded already.    

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    At the very least, do not change up policies so that the customers end up in a less secure position. We have all believed in you in the past, and some of us will keep believing in you despite the errors you make.

    It has been said again and again, this is such a breach of your "promises" to us, your customers. As we all know this isn't the first time the VIP policy has been up for debate. There are countless threads on this forum, especially regarding the pricing at the release of the Symphonic Cube. Here is one of  many: ""

    As you might know not many of those threads are filled with positive content. Then, as now, the issue evolved around first generation customers feeling that they ended up having less priority with the VSL company. Although I feel for the people who got upset back then, I still could understand VSL's reasons to change the game. This time I do not.

    Back then the VSL crew was infinetly more involved in the discussions, and over time the whole thing blew over. The customers  e v e n t u a l l y  calmed down, and in the end, still recived their promised VIP discounts.

    It seems VSL took care of that piece of knowledge...this time around they have not been much publicly involved in the matter. Few, if any, explanations has come forth. And it really does not seem to be a middle way here, as VSL won't even budge the sligthest.

    As I have the greatest of respects for the whole of the VSL company, it is sad to see you take a turn like this. It seems you now know that you can change the "rules" at any time, and just move on. If this was a matter of survival for the company I would understand. But clearly it is not. It seems to be a matter of inconviniece for VSL. This even knowing what consequences it will have  for (yeah I know...some of) your customers. Sad. Truly sad.

    A closing comment. Reading an old VIP pricing issue thread (, I stumbled upon this statement, from Herb himself:

    @herb said:

    (...) If you have Pro Edition and all upgrade related Horizon products you get 54% discount to upgrade to the Symphic Cube. (you pay 4220 Euro instead of 9200 Euro).

    These upgrade (VIP) prices to the SC don't have a time limitation.
    So if you buy Pro Edition now you pay 3400 Euro.
    If you upgrade any time later to the SC you get a discount of 3790 Euro.


    (emphasis mine)

    So there you have it...

    Kind regards

    Tom-Erlend Malm

  • I only have one of the original Horizon products so the dropping of the VIP program doesn't effect me much.  I was planning on upgrading to the SE plus in the next couple months but after seeing this thread I've decided not to support VSL in the future.  They have lost my trust.  Instead the money will go to some other newer developers like Westgate.


  • Thank you Tom-Erlend Malm for two very-very informative URLs! Any comments Herr Tucmandl? That past explanation was certainly understandable, in stark contrast to the ones we have been offered recently. History seems to be repeating itself, although this time VSL decided to get rich before the new deals were offered... As far as the thread goes, it never became a discussion (other than amongst members) at all, so without one (and VSL knew that) it is bound to die out at some point, even with so many posts to boast!... Of course, Matt Gates may have a point you know...

  • OK, a lot of things were unforseeable in November 2005.

    I didn't know for example that we will discontinue Pro Edition and Horizon Sample Libaries,

    and didn't know that we will offer smaller editions and download based editions.

    We have to change a lot of things, and now we'll have to change the old upgrade pathes,

    offering much more discount than the historic costs of a Pro Edition in November 2005 till July 15th.

    By the way VSL is doing well but is not "rich". The last 7 years we've invested every cent in sample and software developement.

    Also there is no product line in developement which should remove the existing one.

    We have recording schedules for another 5 years to enhance the existing products,

    so hopefully we will release a lot of new instruments in the future.



  • Up late like myself? Well since you are here... None of us could foresee anything in 2005 to happen in 2008 (excluding deterioration of planetary conditions). Can you please explain what you just said about improving the upgrade paths with more discount since back then? Take me for example: I have the Pro Edition COP and the SE standard and extended. Can you please tell me how it will be better for me to upgrade to the big Vienna collections (Cube, or Super Complete Package) after October 15?? Many thanks, Errikos

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     As an aside, on November 29, 2005 Bruce wrote the following:

    @Bruce said:

    Here is my solution after much consideration:<br><br>Take that 5,000 dollars and invest in Apple stock. Wait for it to double again-sell at 10,000. Then buy the VI. (that might take a year) Take the remaining 5k and buy oil futures. Wait for that to double and then buy the complete package<br><br>Herb will just have to wait....  awhile to get my cash.<br><br>Then again-if the initial VI upgrade was more in the realm of reason I would have ordered this week.<br><br>And yah- I would rather be composing than watching the stock market. But I can get by with the tools that i already own and paid hard earned cash for.

    Had one followed Bruce's advice, but decided to sell today the value of the two $5000 investments (using the IXC ETF as a proxy for oil) the total current value would be $19957.00 meaning a, before tax profit of 99.57%. Almost enough to purchase the full version of the Cube. Had you bought oil futures contracts and traded them continuusly (instead of using the IXC ETF) your original $5000 investment would now be worth $12296 making the total value $24,560.00 - the profits being enough for the Cube and the full Appassionata Strings I & II.

    In other words, Bruce gave sound investment advice to forum participants!!

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    @Errikos said:

    Can you please explain what you just said about improving the upgrade paths with more discount since back then?

    The Pro Edition was offered for 3400 € in Nov 2005.

    If you upgrade to Symphonic Cube now you get a discount of 3790 € for a registered Pro Edition,

    plus 2 free extended libaries, 595 € (chamber strings) and 330 € (woodwinds I) for example.

    So all in all:  4715 € discount if you upgrade till July 15th.

  • I take it the deadline still is October 15, I mean this was only a few posts ago right? Not years ago... Suffice to get in touch with my dealer or you by e-mail by July 15, that is how I understood it. As far as the example you gave of the Chamber Strings extended library included in the "bargain" I have a question: I read somewhere that these free extended libraries will be offered when one owns the relative standard one. Now Chambers Strings is part of my extended Special Edition package. Does that qualify for the free Chamber Strings extended library you mentioned? P.S.: You are not replying at this time of the morning from Austria, are you?

  • Dear Herb & co,

    Judging by the level of anger and disappointment expressed by so many long-time users in this thread, I would really encourage you to re-think this new decision to scrap the upgrades.

    Even if it was only 10 users (and I'm sure it is far more) who resent the fact that their €4k or so sample library can neither be resold or upgraded (as promised at the time of purchase), that €40k still represents a significant pot of money invested in VSL over the years. Worse than this is the tarnishing of the reputation of what has, up until now, been one of the most respected names in music technology.

    You are not a politician - nobody will think you are weak for reconsidering this move!!



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    @herb said:

    We have to change a lot of things, and now we'll have to change the old upgrade pathes,

    offering much more discount than the historic costs of a Pro Edition in November 2005 till July 15th.

    Hi Herb,

    you still haven't really explained why the upgrade route has to go. For instance why wouldn't my suggestion work, that you keep the VIP route and the new route completely separate?

    I'm willing to believe you that it won't, but so far we've only had the vague explanation that it's complicated, which sounds like it's possible but a bit too much like hard work. If that were the case then I would be quite upset that I had lost my upgrade because it would have been too much work for you. If you could demonstrate how it's impossible, rather than just difficult, then I would be happier.

  • Errikos, the *respective standard library* in your case is the Chamber Strings I Standard Library - the license of the Chamber Strings I Extended Library depends on an existing license for them.

    the excerpt of the Chamber Stings included in the Special Edition Extended Library can originate from 2 paths: the Special Edition DVD product or the Orchestra Strings Extended Library - both licenses cannot be upgraded to the Chamber Strings Full Library, because a lot of samples from the Chamber Strings (DVD) Standard Library will be missing.


    such an upgrade path (Special Edition -> VI Chamber Strings or Orchestra Chamber Strings -> VI Chamber Strings)) can only be realized offering a discount on the product, not just issuing an upgrade license.


    Pingu, based on this little example - are you already suspecting why combining or a side-by-side option would lead into a minefield?

    add Horizon Chamber Strings and the upcoming Orchestra Chamber Strings to the calculation and try to find out which combination should entitle for which discount ... (and chamber is a relatively simple example, since they are neither included in opus nor in the first or pro edition)



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • If you can program the VI surely you can write an algorithm to properly calculate a discount?  It probably wouldn't even take 32 GB of RAM.

  • it is not a question of an algorithm, but of defining the term *properly* (at everybodies convenience), as my simple example above should have illustrated.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    Pingu, based on this little example - are you already suspecting why combining or a side-by-side option would lead into a minefield?

    Not really. I'll have to take your word for it. From my point of view - I only have the ProEdition Orchestra, the Concert Guitar and Elements - I can't think of any reason why I would have bought the Orchestra, and then also bought any complicating libraries - because they would have been a step-down from what I had. So the only route I've really been considering in all this was Pro_orchestra to Strings I+II, Winds I+II, Brass I+II and Percussion. For that route I can't see any complications.

    As for others, it seems to me that the fact that you've started combining things in many different combinations really ought to be your problem. The upgrades have become impossible because customers may own different parts of the new 'flagship' products, but it seems rather unfair to arbitrarily take the upgrade route from people who were promised it, and give it to people who weren't, simply because you've complicated the product line.

    As I suggested earlier, one solution might still be to continue to offer the upgrade route, but not further discounts. You seem to be worried that people might then start demanding a discount depending on the combined samples they own. I don't think that would be true. Currently some of your libraries offer upgrade routes, and others don't. The others are about to gain an upgrade route, but as yet it's not set in stone. SE users have never had the 'Never pay twice for the same samples' promise. If you draw up a user agreement, at this point, that says the two can't be combined then nobody can complain. Owners of the Legacy products keep their upgrades, and will thank you profusely. Owners of SE instruments get a new way to expand, and will also be very happy. Those who own combinations of both have not lost anything, because you don't offer it in the new agreement. Whilst those who are used to the First Edition promise may assume there should be an implied further discount for owning both, the SE doesn't fall under this requirement. To me, not offering an implied promise to customers who, as yet, have nothing, is far less harsh than taking away your promise from other customers.

    Even then, I suppose someone will say that they're paying for the same samples twice, but it will be far fewer people. Not only that, but those people, by definition must own some first edition or horizon products. If it turns out the upgrade from their particular SE instruments to the VIs is cheaper then they can opt for it - if, on the other hand, the route from the legacy products to VI remains the cheaper option, they're hardly likely to complain that you left this cheaper route available to them, even if it's not as cheap as some imaginary combined discount.

    To me this seems like a compromise where everyone continues to win. Bear in mind that Pro-Edition customers are probably those who see VSL as their core orchestra, whilst many SE customers probably have it as an addition to something else. So many of the customers who are upset by this decision would probably have continued to buy up VSL products for years to come.

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    @dschweitzer said:

    Dear Herb & co,


    Judging by the level of anger and disappointment expressed by so many long-time users in this thread, I would really encourage you to re-think this new decision to scrap the upgrades.


    Even if it was only 10 users (and I'm sure it is far more) who resent the fact that their €4k or so sample library can neither be resold or upgraded (as promised at the time of purchase), that €40k still represents a significant pot of money invested in VSL over the years. Worse than this is the tarnishing of the reputation of what has, up until now, been one of the most respected names in music technology.


    You are not a politician - nobody will think you are weak for reconsidering this move!!




    I don't have the VI system and I don't care about the cost. I'm not in the least bit angry. What information do you have that everyone out there is angry. Could you suppose just for a second that some people, even though they are ignorant musicians, actually understand the pressures of business and how things change in business all the time, even though it has to be unpopular on a personal basis for some.

    Sometimes, it's either that - or nothing at all.

    Nobody will think you are weak for reconsidering this? DON'T make me laugh. Of course they will - what are you on about? That would mean every time there's a problem, the usual suspects will be writing their Gettysburg monologues just to get their own way. THAT IS PRECISELY how politics works.

    The way some here use the idea of 'well VSL is different to every other business in the world' makes me want to hurl actually. It's as if none here understands anyone else's business but their own.

  • Maybe I'm just a lousy business person, but to me one of the basics is - you don't change the deal AFTER the deal has been agreed upon.  Sure, we need to adapt to a changing landscape.  Prices have to go up, deals need to change.  VSL's recent American price increase because of the plummeting value of the dollar?  Totally understandable and justifiable.  But what if AFTER the purchase, VSL sent everyone a bill for the difference?  Bad business?  Not much to disagree with there. 

    That's been my only point the whole way.  When I bought their product, we had a deal.  The deal included a stated upgrade path.  Now AFTER the purchase, they're changing the deal. 

    A small example.  Ten years ago, I joined the DVD-by-mail rental service Netflix.  I got a certain number of rentals per month for a set price.  Since then, their prices have gone up a number of times, and you get fewer discs for the price.  But my deal has stayed the same - same price, same number of discs.  As long as you maintain your membership, your price NEVER goes up from the level you enter at.  Price increases only apply to new members.  I've been bombarded with offers from competitors, but I remain loyal to Netflix...because they remain loyal to me.  (Their profits were up 36% this year, so there must be something to it.)

    It's just good business.