so if i understood your model right now, you would use the flash just as *doubling* the *second part* of the sample header. but then again the *problem* as known starts as soon as the flash buffer is empty, then the usual harddisk access starts ("buffer filled constantly from the harddisk" - thats as it is done now)
down into the math (not 100% accurate for all possible cases) - say ome instrument is A/B blended and has release samples we need 4 x 64KB sample header (per note and velocity layer) which affects only needed memory for the moment, so a loaded preset/matrix/patch needs between a few up to 800 MB or even more. (note: this amount could only be reduced if the sample header = preload buffer can be configured shorter).
on the other hand (since almost all VI-instruments are monophonic so far) we only need to stream 4 samples at a given time (using the example above) more or less in the way you describe it - preload buffer gets emptied on the front and refilled from harddisk on the back.
simplified: the preload buffer with 64 KB equals ~370 ms (thanks to the on-the-fly decompresssion, otherwise it would be only ~250 ms) so this buffer needs to be filled with a new 32KB portion after 175 ms otherwise the buffer would run empty during the next cycle. this result in 22.8 access events per second (for a single *track* only), each has to be executed and finished within the 175 ms above ... in fact it is a) more and b) we don't have as much time.
counterwise look: to have 10ms in RAM + 90ms on flash (for each sample in the instrument) + a 4 x 100ms buffer (reserved for the currently played *sample set*) we are fine for the first 100 ms, but then the process described in the paragraph above starts again (access from harddisk), just with the difference we now have 85 access events per second and only 47 ms left to execute and finish the refill process of the buffer.
given we use a modern sATA II drive with average 4,5 ms seektime we spend 10% of the time left just for allowing the harddisk to look where the needed portion resides - then we can start with the actual process to read and write the data and begin thinking about file system, harddisk interface and memory buffers, I/O waitstates and everything else.
the priciple as such is of course worth to think about it and would reduce the needed memory, say for a setup needing 24 GB RAM now to 650 MB + 6.5 GBG flash memory + a harddisk system capable of handling min. 5.000 of such I/O processes per second and everything without *crapping* the CPU only with I/O (since the CPU still has its main job rendering the audio according to the rules within the VI player)
so my point of view is it would only help to have everything on flash and then reduce the preload buffer (assumably divided by 8) given the various other latencies will allow to use a preload buffer of 46 ms. some streaming engines currently allow to reduce the preload to 16 KB per sample under certain conditions, but we have to keep in mind it has to work under every condition, especially under high load (many tracks, complex instruments)
anyway, thanks for your input on this topic, clearly there are more routes traveling to rome ;-)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.