@arne said:
I feel you have mistaken my proposal a bit: I do not want to write the data from harddisk *through* the flash. The idea is to organize the data in a way that let's say the first 64k of each sample reside on flash disk, the rest solely on HDD. There won't be any writes to the flash disk.
Also because you only read a small amount of each sample from flash, you don't need that much bandwidth. The overwhelming amount of data still come directly from HDD.
There are no additional accesses and no additional buffers. At the moment you have 2 sources for the data, first RAM (very low latency), second HDD (high latency). Just add a third source, SSD (low latency).
I also played with this idea in my head some while ago. But what you propose would mean to write a IDE driver from the scratch. How could you verify things keep updated? That every sample still or already has the header saved in the SSD portion? And then again, there is no buffering model like you (and I) thought of with the SSD being an additional read acces medium - the way it is now is, that "streaming" still means that little chunks of data (likely to be 64kb blocks of sample audio data, hence polyphony limitations) are transferred into RAM and then from there go to the CPU. Pre-buffered chunks in RAM aren't touched therefore.
So you would have to make sure you are reading the first chunk of data from the SSD while already accessing the next chunk of data at the SATA/IDE drive at the same time. You'd have to double the amount of current voice polyphony buffering to serve both SSD and conventional harddrive. Last but not least I doubt it's an easy task to do this cross platform or maybe even for the different Windows versions of 2k, XP, XP64, Vista32 and Vista64, ... Ultimately it's easier to wait the year or two until such a development would be able to hit the market and by then SSD will be already reasonable enough in price so that everything could be substituted. Just my opinion though, it won't work as easy as the hybrid drives that are out there already with around 120GB capacity and 256MB SSD drive portion e.g. - they seem to cache the whole data and are most likely working on heuristic methods for pre-caching if they do any at all...
All the best,