Thank you very much for your reply. I'll gladly post files, but first I'd like to understand what the correct behavior is. I want to rule out my expectations versus the way this function is supposed to operate. Below is an example of the behavior I'm seeing. Please tell me if any aspects of it seem wrong to you...
(my reference for middle C = C4)
[b]14S TrC legato[/b] [i]patch[/i] (loaded into blank matrix)
1a) Play & hold any single note. It will play (loop) indefinitely
1b) Play a note and hold it with sustain pedal. It will loop indefinitely
2a) Play C#4. While holding it, play C#5. You will hear a little bit of "lip" attack on the C#5. This note will sound for a short time and then stop according to the natural performance -- [u]no looping[/u]
2b) Play & hold C#4. Press the sustain pedal and release C#4. It will continue to loop indefinitely. Now play C#5. You will [u]not[/u] hear the "lip" attack on the C#5, and as long as the pedal is pressed the note will sustain indefinitely
My expectation is that the sound heard in step 2B (no attack on the second note, C#5) is what I'd hear by playing as described in step 2A without using sustain pedal. Having said that, can you confirm that all of what I've described is normal behavior for this patch?
Many thanks,
EDIT: I'd like to add that what I described in step 2A (C#5 not looping) isn't what I expected. Is that normal?