I have to second what someone else has already said :
as a registered user of SE Ext and Solo Strings, I'm quite reluctant -after a lot of thinking those last days- to buy the downloadable SE Standard + as is....
There are 12 Solo Strings packages, which means almost 120€ of pure waste for the Solo Strings VI owners.
I really believe that VSL should really see how unfair it would be to make some people buy so obviously the same samples twice, and take those situations into account, and offer some kind of VIP price for Standard + according to a user's registered products.
And I can't buy the "it would be a hell to set up", because this system works very well for all other products, and the "special cases" related to this specific package are not too many.... And anyway, once it's done, it's done forever.
To finish, I'm a bit sad to see that the "holiday special" is aimed at "high end" buyers only.
I was hoping some kind of time limited special offer for more modest VSL users, which might consider a smaller purchase, or the downloadable product, but it appears that only people able to invest a lot right now are taken care of.