Cheers, Martin
While subscribing you can buy additional packages at any point in time. For instance, you're getting 3 packages per month. After 3 monhts (you have already downloaded the packages A01 - A09) you decide to get 10 more packages at once, so you buy these (A10-A19). The following month you automatically continue with your subscription, getting the packages A20 - A22.
Cheers, Martin
@herb said:
I haven't any VSL libraries yet. I'm interested in buying the 17 first packages (strings). After that, maybe I'd like the rest, but I'm not sure. Is this possible?
This should be possible .
I too would like to do something like that. Only, in my case already own VI SE, VI Solo string and VI Orchestral strings and obviously the later pakages (the woods and the brass) is what i'm looking for. So unlike that lucky guy who need the first 17 (and might drop out the subscription after, saving money) I'll have to pay and download my monthly ratio of stuff I already own and paid for before (the first 24 packages, 228 ero) , until I reach the needed pakages. This "in order and no skipping" policy clearly advantage the one's that seeks the strings. That VI SE+ chopped and priced by chunk could have been a good opportunuity for VSL to offer their regular faithfull costumers a logical upgrade path.
Ha well.
severe misunderstanding - if you have already licensed (!) the SE standard, than there is no advantage to add the SE standard subscription, because it is identical with SE standard.
what you might be interested in to license is the SE standard plus - which adds content - either to SE standard *boxed* or SE standard subscription.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
Yes,sure. I have No plan on Downloading SE standard, I have the Box as mentionned.
I'm reafering here to a partial downloading of SE PLUS. By also owning Vi Solo strings and Vi orchestral String the first 24 packages are samples I already have, isn't not?
Herb was replying a question from a user potentially planning on downloading the strings then stopping his subscription. Paying, then, only for what he need. An opportunuity i cannot take advantage of since what i'll want (SE+ packages 25 to 56) come after paying and downloading the unsefull (for me at least) previous 24 SE+ packages.
That's why, in my case, the "in order and no skipping" sadden me.
Is that clearer?
understand - sorry, seems i've misread it ...
there has already been an internal discussion if *instrument group packages* would make sense .... so we notice your request for the moment.
i personally wouldn't find it very comfortable *as it is* because although purchasing the whole group, you will need to install the single packages seperately ... on the other hand it helps if one of the downloads is corrupted ....
allow us some more time to think about it ... december seems to keep us too busy for such a decision.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
Hi. This was talked about in an ealrier post, but I just wanted to clarify please:
Can you 'cancel' your subscription at any time (or after a certain time), or are you comitted to buying ALL packages. eg. I subscribe for 3 a month, and after 3 months I want to stop. So I cancel the subcription and keep the 9 packages already downloaded?
basically a subscription is *paying by installments* and the respective agreement is not intended to be canceled before it ends.
i personally cannot imagine VSL will sue you to fullfill the contract, but stopping a subscription is not the idea behind such a kind of purchase.
however such an occurrance would shed the respective light on your reliability or honesty as customer (note: i did not word it user here)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
basically a subscription is *paying by installments* and the respective agreement is not intended to be canceled before it ends.
Are you sure about that? A subscription to a magazine doesn't mean you have to take it for life. Anyway, if it is the case, I have no intention of cancelling out and 'shedding light on my reliability or honesty', I just want to know if it's an option. If not, fine.
usually you subscribe to a magazine say for a year - and it is per se a continous subscription which can be terminated at certain dates with a certain deadline.
the subscription of our special edition packages is limited to a certain period / number of volumes from start.
maybe we will offer something like *the new articulation of the month* to which you can subscribe like to a magazine ... i think there would be packages for a few hundred years .. such a subscription can be terminated every year one month in advance.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
I have to second what someone else has already said :
as a registered user of SE Ext and Solo Strings, I'm quite reluctant -after a lot of thinking those last days- to buy the downloadable SE Standard + as is....
There are 12 Solo Strings packages, which means almost 120€ of pure waste for the Solo Strings VI owners.
I really believe that VSL should really see how unfair it would be to make some people buy so obviously the same samples twice, and take those situations into account, and offer some kind of VIP price for Standard + according to a user's registered products.
And I can't buy the "it would be a hell to set up", because this system works very well for all other products, and the "special cases" related to this specific package are not too many.... And anyway, once it's done, it's done forever.
To finish, I'm a bit sad to see that the "holiday special" is aimed at "high end" buyers only.
I was hoping some kind of time limited special offer for more modest VSL users, which might consider a smaller purchase, or the downloadable product, but it appears that only people able to invest a lot right now are taken care of.
I've done a funny math about the SE+ , I've done it very quickly (maybe I've made some error so those results are to be checked) : if you buy the SE+ as a whole (460 euros) and knowing that the whole package is a 5.585 GB piece (to be checked) of material it gives you a price of: 460/5.585 = 82.36 euros per GB of samples. The SE+Ext is around 10 euros per GB and the Vienna Super Package is about 18.6 euros per GB of samples. Now to be fair if you calculate using the number of samples, one thousand (1000) samples is : - 14.4 euros for the Vienna Super Package - 10.8 euros for the SE&ext - 14.3 euros for the SE+ (around 32200 samples) If you buy it using the monthly purchase plan it goes up to 16.5 euros. Of course, from my point of view the sample is the good unit to count the value of those pieces. Anyway it is funny to notice that the SE+ is by - very- far the most expensive VSL library ... if you count using a GB unit. :)
I've had the same thought.
Having lost a lot of articulations by moving from Opus1 to VI SE, I was hoping VSL would make such SE+ for sometime now. Having to GigaTeleport a missing trills here and there in my former scores was just a pain. I was only looking foward to get back my Opus 1 fonctionnality...
But this outragous price tag, (plus my previous problem mentionned earlier by having to get and pay all package including samples i already have thru other VI library), I sadly thinks i'll have to pass this one.
I understand the need of protecting the vsl's distributors interest that could arise by having downloadable products like SE. But in order to save the VSL-distributor relationshipis is it realy wise to downgrade the VSL-supportive costumers one. hEy, i would pay illo a more decent price to sent it to me if a SE+ box ever existed, I don't live on some deserted island (Look like a some of us are, wich justify they have to pay 40% more to get online what others could from a distributor (if that justification given earlier still stand))
I've always supported VSL, and they deserve my money which i'm willing to give them! Still, for saling a product that does'nt require shipping, packaging and midleman distributor, this is pushing a little i'm afraid....
The lack of difference between monthly rates is a bit weird in my eyes, because if you think in loan terms, you'd have to get a difference between a 11 months laon and a 56 months loan monthly paiement.
Of course if you add the possibility to shorten the loan, then all gets more complex but ... there's a lot of models out there that handle this kind of math very very well and smoothly.
As for the distributors point, common guys ... ! This might be a joke (as we say in french: "you cannot be easy with both the goat and the cabbage"). But maybe some guys from Best Services are not happy with VSL new services. Now if this is a point, VSL has made a choice : mistreat the customers rather than distributors... which is borderline ... kind of ... nowadays.
So for former VSL users I think we'd rather buy the download pieces in one shot: 72 euros, for the SE+, represents 15% of the price... this isn't nothing, especially for people from poor countries (think of all those north american guys and their weak currency... (sobs)).
First users are always frustrated and it's always interesting to see who really are behind those companies by how they handle this frustration. What I hope is that using this new way to spread this wonderful library, VSL will make a lot of money in the next years, by selling much more. Thus if they multiply sells per samples significantly, I'm curious to see what would be the consequences ... bring the price of VSL libraries down ? ... feed more R&D development ? invest in a very good service with very specific online packages available on demand, at last (ho yeah! I'd like that!) ?
But first let them make money, and spread the world ! :)
manu, i think we didn't welcome you so far ...
though unfortunately i can only understand a few parts of your post (especially not the paragraph about loans) it is always nice to notice how someone racks ones brains over the relation between VSL, distributors and users - to my knowledge both are not too bad ...
lets see how the *samples to the desk* incentive works for certain products - others will need DVDs for the forseeable future.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
Not poor, but not rich people, like me, makes counts when they buy things. I'm sad you didn't get the idea about the "loan" part of my post, probably my vocabulary is not right (you know: I'm talking about that thing... with rate of interest, that poor people - like me again - are using frequently to buy things they can afford in one shot, but painfully, after months or years... or maybe try to use your imagination when I'm talking about 11 months=5 packages/month vs 56 months=1 package/month final price).
I'm looking forward to buy the SE+ to complete my SE&ext anyhow.
Now christian, please, don't be so rude to people like me...
In return, I promise to stop spamming this forum with my stupid poor english-ed and cynical posts.
if i understand right (rate of interest) this does not apply. you pay for 1 package, you receive 1 package. you pay for 5 packages, you receive 5 packages. no loan, no interest, no need to calculate something ... the final price is always the same - or i simply don't get the essence ...
if you compare it to the *get all 56 packages now* version - those guys don't keep their money at the bank and so loose, whereas VSL earns interest yield, so making this purchase a little bit cheaper is pretty fair ... no?
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
I just downloaded the upright Bass today and it was PAINLESS! Okay, I forgot that I had to use the Syncrosoft license manager but aside from that, it was simple. I got up and running once I downloaded the library in minutes. I love this method. And honestly, it capitalizes on those impulse buyers like myself who, if I thought about it a little more, then drove to my local music store, I might pass on. Luckily I did not and I have gotta say this bass library is great. 5 gig library for $100? VSL style? C'mon it's a no-brainer! Keep up the great work guys. As for manu, well dude, I'm also not rich and I do try to measure my purchases. $600 Canadian is too steep for the entire Vienna SE + library in one shot so I'm glad they are doing this subscription thing. Also, it's NICE to look forward to getting some new sounds every month. At least, that's my glass-is-half-full perspective. Cheer!
Hi VSL Folks!
I have a question about the download product prices.
Are you going to offer the download products in US dollar prices, like you do the regular boxed sets? The reason why I ask is because a conversion of 460 EUROS = 673 US DOLLARS (current market value). I see that your Special Editions Boxed sets run 465 EUROS for SE Extended advertised in US DOLLARS at $595 on you website. See the dilemma here?
Thanks, Brian