I am not "teaching VSL how and in which order" they should do business... as I said, I perfectly understand that cross-platform is a necessity for VSL. I merely expressed a (personal) frustration about the state of VSL's Mac development and I questioned it in order to understand better your motives.
I didn't say you weren't allowed to express your opinion - who would I be anyway to say so as a guest on *your* message board? - I was reacting to that opinion and voicing concerns regarding what that opinion meant to me as a client of VSL.
I went ahead with the discussion for argument's sake because I am well aware that VSL is not going to change suddenly the way they work (nor would I expect them to) just because I voiced a different opinion... If one lonely guy on a message board were enough to make VSL change all its software development routine, I'd be quite concerned ;)
Again I do not agree regarding your final comments about Leopard, an OS that came out less than a month ago, which brings substantial changes to its core and which *has* already been updated, less than three weeks after its release (even if it doesn't fix some things, it already fixes a lot of small other things). Sometimes I wished that Windows XP got as many updates as Mac OS X did since both OS came out.
That said, I agree completely that it is a point-of-view issue. That's exactly why I've been posting in this thread - because your arguments lead me to believe that you guys were somehow partial toward the Mac platform in general. To me, some of your arguments didn't really make sense (and some of them still don't, actually...) and seemed so subjectively pro-pc and/or anti-mac that I had to at least voice my concerns. And reading those arguments made me think that your point of view is a Windows-users point of view. Not a Mac-users point of view.
Am I making any sense?
ps. thanks for fixing up my mistakes re. the user account.