jeerome, the 18 posts made as will ross are now re-assigned to your account and the name for will's account is reset.
furthermore i don't think you're in a position to teach VSL how and in which order we should carry out or organize software development - i've tried in several attempts above to explain why your suggestions are neither reasonable nor actually possible.
i'd recommend you write some little C++ thingie and try to integrate it in Cocoa, then and compile an OS X and a windows version and then come back to me with the results and a report about the conveniences to do so.
i for myself will continue to criticize any platform - more precisely bugs and misbehaviour of any platform, be it mac, windows or any other where certain things don't work as they should (a nice example would also be java on symbian)
i will also continue to express my opinion about mis- or non-information where this applies as well as about price/value relations or reliability how i experience them for hardware or software - you can either accept other people are in another situation than you or not.
finally and to show the priorities apple has if to choose between i-thingies and the operating system or applications: the already fixed execution exploit for malformed images in mail is back in leopard and not even fixed with the first update and i noticed a problem regarding gateways (and finally routing tables) on multi-homed computers ... a shame for an OS which is in fact the successor of BSD, _the_ network and security focused OS ever.
everybody has to get their jobs done - the earlier, the better
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.