@hermitage59 said:
Christian, I'm getting worried about your sanity cult. Whether to join or not, as one part of me does. The other parts? Well.................... [[:|]]
hehe - its completely safe to join [:D] I'm just amazed how people go all nuts and worship evan becuase of his father - even when hes completely obnoxious. Anyway this is starting to seem like some personal vendetta against Evan, which it really is not. I have no beef with Evan at all - I just have to react when I see unfair treatment, and misinformation being spread unopposed.
Evan has never been anything other than civilised with me, so from my perspective, there is nothing to be gained from pursuing this. And frankly, if my late father were musically gifted in some way, i would find it both rewarding and frustrating to have a comparison made all the time. It would prompt me to be more determined to prove my own abilities, without carrying that weight of genetic history, and perhaps be more vocal about it. So I respect Evan's admiration for his father (having heard recordings of Bill in action), but i fail to find anything in that which Evan has posted, that in some way ''trades'' on his father's considerable talent.
Quite the contrary for me, as Evan writes in his own sense of himself and his determination to be recognised for his own abilities. (I wasn't party to the event of some conflict between Evan and VSL, so i'll offer no opinion related to that.)
And i'm confident, given our short shared history so far, that Evan and I, should we opine from contrary perspectives, could have a passionate and spirited discussion without descending to bone waving in the process. I don't see him as some film music god, anymore than he sees me as some omnipotent throwback to the 18th and 19th century concert fare.
(We both like port, which is one of life's great levellers.)
This is only my perspective, so please treat my comments as such.
Everyone is different, and importantly, perception of what is acceptable or not is different too, according to the 'listener' or the 'speaker.', or how 'thick' one's skin is. I have a great deal of respect for not only Evan, but Herb, Dietz, Christian with his amazing technicolour VI, [H] , Dave Connor, Paul Robbins, Daryl Griffiths, Bill Kersten, Jay Bacal, and many others, who I consider peers and/or friends, and talented people, and whose knowledge, craftsmanship, pursuit of excellence, and wisdom i admire.
So in the interests of promoting the value of joining the said Sanity Cult (an oxymoron to some) shall we move on, and discuss more fruitful and rewarding lines of opinion and conjecture?