Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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In the past 24 hours, we have 3 new thread(s), 40 new post(s) and 35 new user(s).

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    @Mobius said:

    What none of you have even considered is the possibility that it'll be free. Don't forget, Christmas is very close now, and Herb wouldn't look that out of place with a Santa costume on, and a few reindeer and elves scattered around him. For all we know, he might even be the real Father Christmas.

    [Whispered] If we're all good boys and girls, we could be receiving a very big and special gift on Christmas day. [[:D]]

    Man - they have very strong drugs (probably illegal) in the UK. [[:D]]


  • This "Hype" is getting me to excited about this. I can't stop thinking about what the "clues" will be and therefore keep coming back more than once a day....SEVERAL times a day [:P] . Darn the countdown! I need to pull the plug on the internet lol. Must stay sane.... [:D]

  • Can I join the Club - VSL Anonymous?

    Hi group -its been 4 minutes since i've checked the VSL website. I'm a VSL junkie

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    Can I join the Club - VSL Anonymous?

    Hi group -its been 4 minutes since i've checked the VSL website. I'm a VSL junkie

    Geeze Christian - get a life!!!!!! I have gone 5 minutes without checking the website. [H]

  • I really hope '25,600' isnt the full price [*-)]

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    @dummy said:

    I really hope '25,600' isnt the full price [*-)]

    Number of samples for Saxophone vol 2?

  • 4 days and no big new clues. [:(]

  • 25,600 I think is the amount of patches in the Symphonic Cube. I could be wrong though.

    Day 4 hasn't really shown anything "new" but there is always day 3! You know how there is always a top 3 for things...perhaps we will find out much more details in the last 3 days.

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    @Austin Haynes said:

    25,600 I think is the amount of patches in the Symphonic Cube. I could be wrong though.

    25,600 patches?

    A life wouldn't be enough...


  • Lo!

    And so it was that each winter night they gathered,
    And waited patiently for a new sign,
    And when the hour of midnight did arrive so too a sign would come,
    And they gazed in awe,

    And much bewilderment.

    And each night after, some talked amongst themselves, asking,
    "how are we being guided that we may begin to understandwhat will be the new way to make Heavenly music in the future? - will someone tell us what meaning these signs have?"

    While others simply said, "we must be patient, all will be revealed in due course, meanwhile let us enjoy each others company with light hearted chat while we wait!"

    And so it was.


  • vsling,

    Yet another amusing post! We'll all be disappointed when your first serious one comes in!!


  • So, anything interesting happening this week?

  • oooh! This is just too much.

    I think I know what this is... the only thing I really, reallly hope is that "expandable" means we can make use of this big new release without necessarily being _required_ to buy the entire Symphonic Cube/Complete Orchestral Package. Or maybe the "Symphonic Cube" is not actually what everybody expects it to be -- the completion of the sampling project -- but is rather the MIR and whatever wonderful performance software they've cooked up??? Either way, my PC's gonna need a brain transplant!


  • MIR is "expandable" with more IRs, but first out is The Vienna Konzerthaus.

    My two cents

  • I want I want! I need I need! Are we there yet? Are we there yet?? [:D] [:P]

  • Has the price been revealed in the "hints"? How much do you think the Symphonic Cube will cost?

    I think it will cost 8,995 without any former purchases like Pro Edition.....What about you?

  • I hope your right - but it seems optimistic.

    Oh... €, $ OR £ ?

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    $ OR £ ?

    That kinda looks like SORE, much like the price I expect!!

  • $8,995 in USD....Sure it's optimistic but if it's higher than that some of us "dreamers" won't be able to have more than a dream.....Remember VSL metioned "It's not a dream"....well if it's 10,000 dollars it might as well be a dream right [:P]? Cheaper price equals more buyers or pricey and fewer buyers...I'm hoping VSL will be affordable so more people can have the opportunity for their high quality samples. Seeing the fact they are advertising on Northern Sound Forum seems to me that they are aiming to have the price "reachable" so more sales can be made. One can hope!

  • Austin, I wish I shared your optimism. VSL has shown only inflexibility on pricing - almost denying competition pressures. Their pricing models seem to have worked, though. This last summer's 30% discount pricing was partially spurred on by a 15% correction in the currency rates (USD to Euro) and just clearing off stock before this huge release.

    Could be wrong though - often am [:)]

    (could they have tired of releasing more hints - seems stuck on 4 days)
