@Martin Bayless said:
No direct support but things translate easily enough if you have the time. VSL is so large that trying to plan how you will use it is a little like putting the cart before the horse. Your working methods and perhaps your hardware will likely change as you get to know it. Maybe not, but you might keep that possibility in mind as you move forward.
best, M.
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure what you mean by "translate". My understanding is that the Symphonic Editions are only available for GigaStudio and the EXS24. Is there some way of successfully translating an EXS set to a Kontakt2 set? Is that what you mean? And how would one translate the performance tool to the script processor in Kontakt2? The prospect of doing all that seems formidable. Or am I on the wrong track?
On the other hand, I suppose I could move from DP to Logic Pro 7 and use the EXS for the Symphonic Editions, but I hear funny things about the EXS and it doesn't seem like it's nearly in the same league as the soon-to-be-released Kontakt2.