Just a quick note, there is more than MAJOR Hollywood film work to be had in LA.
There's being a copyist, a musician, an orchestrator, a recording engineer, a second, writing for jingles (of which there are amples), TV, infomercials, bumpers, benefits, classical, internships, apprenticeships, etc., etc., then there are the resources, both human and historical, such as the complete Bernard Herrmann archives, Jerry Goldsmith, UCLA Library has a ton of TV film music archives, classical archives, musicians to mingle with, directors, producers, events, seminars, major concerts, artists, an international airport and a domestic airport, etc., etc.,
And believe it or not I HAVE JUST SCRATCHED THE SURFACE. Truth is there is so much opportunity that you can be working every day of your life there if you are a go getter and you are going to events and meeting people, attending "wrap" parties, passing out demos, etc. There is literally some opportunistic event occurring every 6 to 12 hours in LA for film composers. Likely more. It is impossible to even approach that level anywhere in the entire world. There are over 25 major film schools, each one turning out the highest quality most promising projects and people in the world.
I think you underestimate LA Fred. Anyone can do a MAJOR Hollywood feature from anywhere in the world. The budgets are so big you could live at the North Pole and still deliver on time. I am not talking about major films. I am talking about the best opportunities HANDS DOWN. BAR NONE. UNDISPUTED.
And you don't need a formula for success there other than perseverance, persistence, and commitment. I have been immersed in half of the worlds major markets for composers. Nothing compares to LA. It is light years beyond what other locales could offer.
if you have one life to live, you speak English, and have a want to be given the best opportunities possible to you, and you are willing to hunt them down ferociously, then you will succeed greatly in the Los Angeles area (including some ancillary jobs in San Francisco, San Diego, and Orange County, as well as some remote work in New York).
Outside of that, you have to listen to these other guys from around the world in order to penetrate and be successful in their areas. I've said my peace. Over and out.
Evan Evans