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  • anyway, it's a file sharing plateform... you can't do anything, you can't say "FBI i want all that guys that are sharing my software to be captured etc..." the only thing to do is to not say the name of that file sharing plateform

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    @Paw said:

    It seems now that you can get hold of anything even amazingly enough vsl!! i have seen files available on a certain file sharing platform which will remain unnamed.The files are in 3gig segments with performance tools and crack serial codes.This must be a real thorn in in your side guys,Being software developers.

    Is there really a point to this post? "Man, I'm sorry you guys are losing money. Tough."
    Especially since they can't really do anything about it. The most they can do, I suppose, is to nab anyone who is actually stupid enough to use the software to openly publish and/or record music. Which brings me to an interesting point.
    I actually believe (and I know I am probably going to get flamed for this) that in some instances, software piracy is good for software developers. At least, they reap a sort of benefit from it, in a pragmatica sense. That is not to say that stealing, no matter what the effect, (and piracy is theft) is good.
    But let me explain. If someone wants to look at a piece of software but can't afford it (this is all too common), he may be tempted to resort to piracy. He is technically capable of downloading this software (let's call it Program A). It may take him several months to become proficient in it. What he cannot do usually (at least with many professional software) is use that software for commercial means without seriously putting himself at legal risk. So what will he do? As soon as he is proficient enough to make money with Program A, he will buy a legal copy.
    This is the result: The developer sells a complete version of Program A and obtains a new loyal, proficient, customer. The new customer (former pirate) receives the benefit of learning the software free of charge and can therefore receive immediate financial benefit from his legal copy. If he never becomes proficient in it, he will not buy it, in which case he has avoided spending thousands of dollars on a software that he will never use. It is true that the developer loses that sale, but I think that loss is offset by the sales made to customers who would never have bought the software but did after learning what a joy it is to use it.
    Of course, this does not justify piracy, and it does not work this way in many cases. Most notably for games, professional applications where it is impossible to tell what software was used, and professional applications that people install on more machines than the license allows.
    I believe the best way to combat this sort of piracy is for the developer to release non-commercially usable versions at a reduced or (as Softimage 3D has done) zero cost. Then it will not be worth it for a consumer to go through the inconvenience and risk of viruses to download illegal copies. That is what I would do if I were a developer. As far as the multiple machine thing, I say a USB dongle is the way to go. I hate activation codes because I don't always get to use the same machine. It would be nice to be able to take my dongle and move over to another computer, all the while staying within the liscence agreement.
    Anyway, any comments would be welcome, but please don't flame me.


  • Can we just delete or erase this entire post guys!?

    This is a ridiculous topic for this forum.

    VSL Team?

    Evan Evans

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    @Galleddrim said:

    [...] As soon as he is proficient enough to make money with Program A, he will buy a legal copy. [...]

    Nice concept, but simply not true. i think I'm allowed to say that I'm working mainly in completly professional environments, and you wouldn't believe _how_ many people admit openly that they use cracked programs (and even more often pirated sound-libraries).


    Apart from that, it's not true that sharing products like ours on P2P-networks doesn't implicate copyright infringements, as this behaviour simply contradicts our licence agreement. Paw, may i please ask you again to (privatly) tell us where you read/heard about this. Thanks in advance.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Another User said:

    anyway, it's a file sharing plateform... you can't do anything, you can't say "FBI i want all that guys that are sharing my software to be captured etc..." [...]

    What makes you so sure about that?


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I edited this because it is a legal matter, not really for public comment.

  • I don't know if it is the case (please don't tell!), but if these samples have watermarking in them, it should be easy for VSL to download the illegal samples and then check from who they originally came. Then they might be able to do something legally against that person.

  • first - what to delete and what not is up to the moderators. dot. no more comments on that please.
    second - there is nothing like a cracked serialnumber (this is by design) - you would need serious CPU capacity _and_ to know which one out of the 10^x we decided to use, a serialnumber can be stolen of course, but then it's expired
    third - the method is fingerprinting not watermarking - stop speculating

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • CM,

    Is English your second language or just as equal in fluency as your first if not English? Becuase, unless you were actually annoyed and upset in your post, then your English is coming across that way. Your last post was defensive, angular, and short. I am just curious if this is the way you are, or if something is getting lost in translation.

    Evan Evans

  • This is silly. I hope PAW will contact VSL and share information, and then it's up to VSL to take appropriate action.


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    @Another User said:

    Nice concept, but simply not true. i think I'm allowed to say that I'm working mainly in completly professional environments, and you wouldn't believe _how_ many people admit openly that they use cracked programs (and even more often pirated sound-libraries).

    Well... I disagree. I would say its definately is true. Sure it's true for many programs like Windows, Office and others where you cant determine they were used to produce the final product. However very few, if any, professional composers would use pirated products for projects they earn money on. Why? Becuase anyone can hear where the sample is from, and could simply look them up to see if they own a copy. I can hear VSL performance instruments, SAM brass etc miles away - very few would be so stupid.

    I would dare say that the amount of money VSL looses on piracy is very limited. Thats not saying that there arent pirated versions out there, or that those using them are doing something legally and morally wrong - but from an econmic standpoint the loss is almost non-existant

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    @Christian Marcussen said:

    [...] I would dare say that the amount of money VSL looses on piracy is very limited. Thats not saying that there arent pirated versions out there, or that those using them are doing something legally and morally wrong - but from an econmic standpoint the loss is almost non-existant

    I would say that for each legit version of VSL-products thera are at least four pirated copies, as a rough estimation. (This doesn't mean that every user gives away his his stuff four times, it's just to give you an relation.) When we now calculate that only 25% percent of the pirates do _real_ work with their stolen copies, you understand that piracy actually _halves_ our potential income, making our products more expensive in return.

    ... and I think this estimation is very conservative, BTW.

    Is this what you would really call "economically non-existant" ...? [8o|]

    And while we're at it: As the project leader for our MIR-developement I can assure you that this great innovation won't see the market before the copy-protection is as good as it can get, nowadays - for exactly the reason explained above. So: piracy not only costs _ your_ money, but hinders fast development of new products on the top of it.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Let me get this right - You think there are 4 pirated versions of VSL for each ligit, and you think 25% of these get used for real work? I VERY much doubt those figures, esepcialy with VSL. If that is the case it means for each legit version of VSL there is a professional composer using a pirated version? Come on! I would be very suprised if that were true.

    Ofcourse if you know this, then I guess i'm wrong - but these estimates sound far from conservative, in fact they sound dead wrong to me. So I would still say, unless proven wrong, that the money you guys are loosing due to piracy is fairly small. I know for a fact several people using pirated samples and the minute they earned money they bought the samples.

    That said, i undertsand completely why you want better protection for something like MIR since its very hard to prove that some music was done with MIR. With samples however I would say its fairly easy, and therfore a far too dangerous endevor for a professional composer.

  • I think the bigger point is that if every pirated copy, whether used for real work or not, was actually *purchased* it would represent a huge amount of money. Most of us shelled out a lot of cash for the VSL, and without piracy it could be a tiny bit cheaper.

    And may I say, it was worth EVERY PENNY!!! [:D]

  • To Dietz:
    I disagree with you, because exactly like Galleddrim says, as a student one can't afford all the samples/software you need to be operatable, so HOW CAN ONE LEARN TO WORK WITH THOSE SAMPLES AND SOFTWARE???
    To be honest (héhé I'm the first one to admit!!! yes I'm guilty), as a student composition, I HAVE used libraries which I DID NOT own.
    Let me make a fast calculation: to be able to work with samples you need a lot of stuff: PC or Mac (at least 1200 euro to have something useable), software sequencer (i.e. Logic: 1000 euro), software sampler (i.e. gigastudio: 600 euro), good sound card (400 euro, and that's not too much), samples... (well that's difficult, but take i.e. a simple tool like Garritan Personal Orchestra, just for orchestral sounds, it costs you 250 euro, or take i.e. library's from Miroslav or Dan Dean or Kirk Hunter, they cost you at least 500 to 1000 euro), than add a masterkeyboard (to have something reasonably good, it will cost you again between 500 and 1000 euro), eventually a controller (around 200 euro?).
    Well sum it all up and you have a bill between 4000 and 5000 euro. And admit it guys, to have a PROFESSIONAL setup you must double or triple the amount... Which student or even good amateur can afford that???
    You know, I still didn't invest (although I was planning to do it this summer) in VSL, just because of the price. And I know, compared to all the work programmers and producers of software and sample creating companies, it's NOT expensive i.m.o. (we already discussed this before: 3200 euro for a complete orchestra is NOT EXPENSIVE!!!). But that's just not the point in this discussion. All together it IS a great deal of money to invest, and certainly for students and good amateurs, who in fact mostly even don't use it in productions to earn money from.
    I completely agree to the fact, that once you use it in productions, and you start to earn money, you have NO EXCUSE AT ALL but to have licenses of everything you use for your production.

    Well that's just some of my thoughts...

    PS Look, who do I have to tip about those links? Because in fact, it's soooo easy to find them...

  • When I was a student, I decided in 1970 - 1972, that I was never going to be good enough to become a classical musician. That's to say, a performing classical musician. No patience or stamina.

    So I decided that I would have to go and work as a session keyboard musican for record labels and rock musicians. More money. No computers or samples in those days. Just hardware.

    At the age of around 19/20, I decided that I needed a Hammond B3, a Leslie cabinet, and a little later a Fender Rhodes and a MiniMoog. I needed to go and see my bank manager to borrow the money, and eventually, based on guarantor's, finished up with about 3 grand. In those days, you could buy a pretty good house for 3 grand; thats how much it is in todays terms. In real terms, things are much cheaper now.

    What I am now beginning to realize, is that I should have broken into a music shop and just stolen it. [8-)]

    The trouble with people today is, they want everything NOW. They don't want the responsibilty that goes with having to raise the necessary cash. They feel they have a RIGHT to it and always use the excuse that it's too expensive, thus abrogating their conscience and responsibility.

    If someone breaks into one's house and steals all their hardware, it's the same as intellectual theft as far as the law is concerned. Don't get caught, because they are now taking this, rightly so, very seriously.

    Someone earlier mentioned that companies like VSL lose money on this and 'tough'. Yes, I suppose that's right. But if you can't afford the technology right this minute, well, tough too. This post will not change anything, but they're aren't any excuses. None!

  • Nail on the head.

  • Well, "Virtual Guitarist", this is exactly the same totally ridiculous argumentation I hear all the time when it comes to software piracy. You´re DEAD WRONG!
    If you can´t afford anything, you can´t afford it. PERIOD!
    There is absolutely no right on this world which legitimates you to act illegally only because you "can´t afford it". Come on, give me a break. This is outrageous!
    It´s not only silly and dumb, it is totally unresponsible.

  • Not only that, but to have the nerve to come to a developer’s forum, while not having bought any of his products, and to proclaim that it is OK to steal his work because the money is lacking is outrageous. [[:|]]
    It this was the prevailing attitude among people, VSL would cease to exist. Sometimes people forget that there is a whole team developing the products, musicians have to be hired, so there is a lot of cost involved.

    If you don’t have the money to buy a car, you don’t buy one. You don’t go out to the carpark of a VW dealer and drive off with one of the cars, shouting: “I’ll pay for it when and if I have the money for it!”.
    Ripping off a developer is not a necessity but a choice, and a very wrong one, because it turns you into a thief.

  • Software Piracy is theft.

    Virtual Guitarist, how would you call a person, who steals a car in order to practice to get his drivers license?

    You would call him a thief.

    Even if he then buys a car.

    This whole discussion is ludicrous and obsolete - Please, let´s just drop that thread and get back to work, before I loose my temper...
