Awesome. Thank you all for your postings. It has been most helpful. The interesting thing is that just about everything I have said is actually just fine. I meant it, that's for certain. Some I will apologize for, so hopefully those who were offended will hang in there and read along.
A problem, it seems, is I am the only one understanding what I've said to the core. It looks like I have a way of speaking that makes people "read" more into it. So what I say becomes relegated to another meaning. However, in every instance I am only saying EXACTLY what I was saying, exactly as it was said. (Again, there are things I've said worth apologizing to those who walk the fine line of dancing around and near those things that I adamantly abhor.)
So let me try to clear the air a little:
A problem, it seems, is I am the only one understanding what I've said to the core. It looks like I have a way of speaking that makes people "read" more into it. So what I say becomes relegated to another meaning. However, in every instance I am only saying EXACTLY what I was saying, exactly as it was said. (Again, there are things I've said worth apologizing to those who walk the fine line of dancing around and near those things that I adamantly abhor.)
So let me try to clear the air a little:
This is a great example. This was in response to an incredible backlash of people becoming so absurd that they could not find the artistic foundation and basis for respectable MIDI composition. They were saying things like "why not build your own instruments" ... "Forge your own steel" etc. To which I responded, "or build or buy a robot to make your music for you." Which quickly brought things back into perspective. The argument was about music composition and performance, to which these people were willing to let their morals, ethics, and philosophies draw the line as freely and far back as to the creation of the known universe. Obviously they lacked foundation and perspective as they let their "line" go basically unchecked, without discretion. It was ridiculous, AND THEY KNEW IT. So I called them on it. For those who chose that side and decided to partake in the fiasco, BUT who are still respected by MY standards (who is pretty much everyone here), they have my apologies if I stepped on any toes when I called such people WIMPS. Of course it was never meant to be directed at anyone who is NOT a wimp. Only for the WIMPS. lol. [:)] Oh goodness. But, you know they're out there. Even if they haven't posted or read, or discovered this forum/VSL yet. It was a outlash at a specific group of people "out there", not necessarily anyone HERE. If anyone is still offended about that comment, and still feels it is directed towards them specifically than I guess it is, unless you want to ask me directly.@newbiebigtime said:
While you appear to be toning down nicely, here are the clippings you requested:
[i]"The whole idea/notion of sampled composition fragments is disgusting to me. Play/Compose them yourself! Or better yet, a robot to write your music for you! wimps."