hmmm, reminds me of that John Lithgow line from 'The World According to Garp' which goes something like he/she "was born with an extraordinary capacity to piss people off"....said with affection of course.
Dave C
Dave C
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And although I am not narcissistic, I am here on earth for MY purpose. Although it's all about me, I believe my purpose is to contribute MY soul to society in art and diary, so as to further mankind, to contribute to mankind's evolution and understanding of life and creation.
And I totally agree with you that sometimes what a person says can really be taken the wrong way. I just wish someone would give me a clipping and say, "Here. Here's where you offended us, disrespected us, said terrible things ..." whatever. because I honestly don't feel that way. But apparently people are taking things the wrong way. Especially Fred Story. I think he's great, but he seems to really like to bash me. I tried to understand it, but all I could come up with is that he is a sensitive person trying to protect sensitive people. Well I certainly love all people even those who are sensitive, but that shouldn't inhibit me from having strong viewpoints. I don't push them, I just preach them. [:)]
Evan Evans
And I totally agree with you that sometimes what a person says can really be taken the wrong way. But apparently people are taking things the wrong way. Especially Fred Story. I think he's great, but he seems to really like to bash me. I tried to understand it, but all I could come up with is that he is a sensitive person trying to protect sensitive people. Well I certainly love all people even those who are sensitive, but that shouldn't inhibit me from having strong viewpoints.
Evan Evans
@SMP3602 said:
Taken the wrong way ? Strong viewpoints? Is that what you are trying to call that? What was that post of yours about no person being equal? How else is that one line to be taken?
This is a great example. This was in response to an incredible backlash of people becoming so absurd that they could not find the artistic foundation and basis for respectable MIDI composition. They were saying things like "why not build your own instruments" ... "Forge your own steel" etc. To which I responded, "or build or buy a robot to make your music for you." Which quickly brought things back into perspective. The argument was about music composition and performance, to which these people were willing to let their morals, ethics, and philosophies draw the line as freely and far back as to the creation of the known universe. Obviously they lacked foundation and perspective as they let their "line" go basically unchecked, without discretion. It was ridiculous, AND THEY KNEW IT. So I called them on it. For those who chose that side and decided to partake in the fiasco, BUT who are still respected by MY standards (who is pretty much everyone here), they have my apologies if I stepped on any toes when I called such people WIMPS. Of course it was never meant to be directed at anyone who is NOT a wimp. Only for the WIMPS. lol. [:)] Oh goodness. But, you know they're out there. Even if they haven't posted or read, or discovered this forum/VSL yet. It was a outlash at a specific group of people "out there", not necessarily anyone HERE. If anyone is still offended about that comment, and still feels it is directed towards them specifically than I guess it is, unless you want to ask me directly.@newbiebigtime said:
While you appear to be toning down nicely, here are the clippings you requested:
[i]"The whole idea/notion of sampled composition fragments is disgusting to me. Play/Compose them yourself! Or better yet, a robot to write your music for you! wimps."
Evan Evans: "It is entirely what is disgusting. I have nothing wrong with the existence of such samples. It's the people who use them, the music that it's used in, and what it does to the value of the art, that DISGUSTS me. Although nice guys finish last, and I could "write" many composers under the table, it is still quite DISGUSTING to see people to use crutches, sellout, and succeed doing SO LITTLE. Anyone who is on the other end of this argument is someone perhaps to blame."Don't you find the writing under the table comment arrogant, pompous, and absurd...who asked about you, we were talking about samples?I hear you. I really do. But without human beings, life is soulless. To infuse human and social perspective into philosophy, craft, art, and technique is 100% relevant. Without the human element only robotic precision would be the highest form of art, and that would be sad. Indeed I wrote an essay on my website about how if the evolution of Humans is to become robots, and for all life to cease and become electrical and robotic in every way shape and form, that the robots will have no reason to go on, as they have nothing to conquer as they are 100% efficient. Their CPUs will simply stop as a result of having no purpose.
and if you really think its about the time crunch short-cut, than you're no better for using should learn to play all the instruments and record them all yourself...its the same ethical issue that you argue.Eh, there we go again drawing lines using ridiculous comparisons with free floating ethical values. Have some discretion dude. If you actually start drawing some lines, you will arrive at your own viewpoint. Then at that point you can tell me and everyone else it. For now, I have mine, and the lines are clear.
...I've described him more than once as intelligent, talented and highly skilled.And somehow some mistaken insults have made you feel like you got a knife stabbed in your back. Again I apologize for somehow making you feel insulted. Not my intention. I think you're cool. Love your posts, and anything you've ever said to me.
My Mother's big lesson was "Words have power. Think before you use them. Think how YOU would feel if someone used those words on you."Sweet.
@PaulR said:
Are you ill? Good Lord, for a moment there, I thought there was something wrong with you. Then I noticed your'e from Australia.
And thanks for the game of Rugby mate. Good on ya!
@zigzag said:
[:D] Still, bad luck about Mars and all that, maybe try something a bit closer next time.
@zigzag said:
[:D] Still, bad luck about Mars and all that, maybe try something a bit closer next time.
@PaulR said:
[quote=James McWilliams]Same place as you me ol' mucker. [[:D]] :0/quote]
Oh yeah! Whereabouts?
@PaulR said:
Nope! Never heard if it.
Bye bye.