And although I am not narcissistic, I am here on earth for MY purpose. Although it's all about me, I believe my purpose is to contribute MY soul to society in art and diary, so as to further mankind, to contribute to mankind's evolution and understanding of life and creation.
And I totally agree with you that sometimes what a person says can really be taken the wrong way. I just wish someone would give me a clipping and say, "Here. Here's where you offended us, disrespected us, said terrible things ..." whatever. because I honestly don't feel that way. But apparently people are taking things the wrong way. Especially Fred Story. I think he's great, but he seems to really like to bash me. I tried to understand it, but all I could come up with is that he is a sensitive person trying to protect sensitive people. Well I certainly love all people even those who are sensitive, but that shouldn't inhibit me from having strong viewpoints. I don't push them, I just preach them. [:)]
Evan Evans
Since selective memory seems to be at play here, let me provide a quick refresher. REALIZING that people's words can be misconstrued in an email, I asked if Evan's comment about use of sampled runs and phrases was MEANT to sound condesending. His answer? Depends on which side of the argument you're on.
But there's more, gentle reader. People who use these evil devices disgust him. They use crutches. They're a sellout. Maybe they're just in it for the money.
Then there's the comment about the difference between Evan's purist approach and "the quick and the lame" approach. Lame, why? Because it's not HIS approach? And of course there's my insecurity problem, and that I'm just trying to be a 'smorgasbord of everything'. (The personal comments just got a laugh.) And this is just a sampling of Mr. Evans' own comments throughout this tread.
And he wonders how we could EVER think that he meant to be insulting. Naive. Clueless. Well, they're ALMOST synonyms.
So poor Evan. Big mean Fred Story is always picking on him. (Despite the fact that I've described him more than once as intelligent, talented and highly skilled.) I've simply pointed out that publicly insulting people who don't agree with you is bad manners. And I've tried to do it respectfully.
However, people who not only show such bad manners, but actually try to justify them, really p**s me off. I do my best to take the high road, but I'm only human.
I learned a lesson. I had a few days off between projects and thought I'd catch up on some lively forum chat. (Litte did I know HOW lively.) My lesson is that any forum where Evan Evans pontificates is a forum I'll avoid.
But lest he think I'm just picking on him...I've dumped the bookmarks to other forums where the discourse gets rude. I like a good argument as well as the next person. I just like it to be civil and respectful. Alas, the relative anonymity of the internet has caused us to forget our manners. I know I can't change it...but I don't have to subject myself to it. And based on other well as private emails I've received over the past couple of days, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Oh, for the record, I apologize for my previous post. I posted before I thought and succumbed to a petty put-down. Not cool. Two wrongs don't make a right. (My Mother's big lesson was "Words have power. Think before you use them. Think how YOU would feel if someone used those words on you." I didn't. Please don't tell her. She'd be ashamed of me.)
Fortunately, I'm back into a new project tomorrow so no time for forum-hopping. Best to all.
Fred Story