While you appear to be toning down nicely, here are the clippings you requested:
"The whole idea/notion of sampled composition fragments is disgusting to me. Play/Compose them yourself! Or better yet, a robot to write your music for you! wimps."
But would it have been more or less condescending if Mozart told you it? Think about that. "
certainly you aren't equating yourself to Mozart
"It is entirely what is disgusting. I have nothing wrong with the existance of such samples. It's the people who use them, the music that it's used in, and what it does to teh value of the art, that DISGUSTS me. Although nice guys finish last, and I could "write" many composers under the table, it is still quite DISGUSTING to see people to use crutches, sellout, and succeed doing SO LITTLE. Anyone who is on teh other end of this argument is someone perhaps to blame."Don't you find the writing under the table comment arrogant, pompous, and absurd...who asked about you, we were talking about samples?
"maybe I have to chalk this up to having great orchestration skills, but I do not find it a problem to come up with a creative orchestrational solution...I hope nice guys don't finish last though, because we are doing more respectable work!
"Evan, must you keep telling us how great you are? You go on to insult peoples ethics in this post, I thought that this post was discussing glissandi and runs or other performance issues that aren't convincing when stringing individual samples together, not drum loops and brass riffs...regardless of your skills, you can write a gliss in Finale...but it won't sound right...your argument is like saying we only need one sample of each pitch....dynamics are a waste of disk space....real artists will create the dynamics...I just don't buy your argument...and if you really think its about the time crunch short-cut, than you're no better for using samples...you should learn to play all the instruments and record them all yourself...its the same ethical issue that you argue.
"The whole idea/notion of sampled composition fragments is disgusting to me. Play/Compose them yourself! Or better yet, a robot to write your music for you! wimps."
But would it have been more or less condescending if Mozart told you it? Think about that. "
certainly you aren't equating yourself to Mozart
"It is entirely what is disgusting. I have nothing wrong with the existance of such samples. It's the people who use them, the music that it's used in, and what it does to teh value of the art, that DISGUSTS me. Although nice guys finish last, and I could "write" many composers under the table, it is still quite DISGUSTING to see people to use crutches, sellout, and succeed doing SO LITTLE. Anyone who is on teh other end of this argument is someone perhaps to blame."Don't you find the writing under the table comment arrogant, pompous, and absurd...who asked about you, we were talking about samples?
"maybe I have to chalk this up to having great orchestration skills, but I do not find it a problem to come up with a creative orchestrational solution...I hope nice guys don't finish last though, because we are doing more respectable work!
"Evan, must you keep telling us how great you are? You go on to insult peoples ethics in this post, I thought that this post was discussing glissandi and runs or other performance issues that aren't convincing when stringing individual samples together, not drum loops and brass riffs...regardless of your skills, you can write a gliss in Finale...but it won't sound right...your argument is like saying we only need one sample of each pitch....dynamics are a waste of disk space....real artists will create the dynamics...I just don't buy your argument...and if you really think its about the time crunch short-cut, than you're no better for using samples...you should learn to play all the instruments and record them all yourself...its the same ethical issue that you argue.