As a relative newcomer to this forum I wont even attempt to pretend to be the harbinger of peace or understanding but Id like to point out the general inability of these kinds of threads (and thus these rather hastily written missives) in conveying correct emotional response (in spite of these slightly cheesy 'emoticons').
Ive had a client recently that insists on communicatiing a brief with me almost solely by email. Reading these emails could easily lead one to believe that this client either (a) was appalled by my work or (b) was attempting to get me to pull out of the work - both scenerios attacked my rather flimsy ego but eventually I thought Id simply call and explain to this client that I obviously was no the composer for them. The client was shocked ,to say the least, and told me that the piece was 99% there and was only requiring the slightest of modifications (and he sounded like a really nice guy to boot!).
The point to this long winded parable is that its very easy to misread, misinterpret or simply project onto others messages and I think this should be kept in mind when reading ones that appear arrogant or just plain insulting.
I find it hard to believe that Evans' sole purpose here is to pump his own ego whilst 'dissing' everybody else. After all, it is unlikely that he is familiar with everyone elses work here. Put it down to trans-atlantic miscommunication or American brashness or whatever. I dont believe there is any real intent to harm and in my eyes it is the 'intent' that is most important.
Feel free to say 'back off newbie' paper-thin ego might survive.
dave c
Ive had a client recently that insists on communicatiing a brief with me almost solely by email. Reading these emails could easily lead one to believe that this client either (a) was appalled by my work or (b) was attempting to get me to pull out of the work - both scenerios attacked my rather flimsy ego but eventually I thought Id simply call and explain to this client that I obviously was no the composer for them. The client was shocked ,to say the least, and told me that the piece was 99% there and was only requiring the slightest of modifications (and he sounded like a really nice guy to boot!).
The point to this long winded parable is that its very easy to misread, misinterpret or simply project onto others messages and I think this should be kept in mind when reading ones that appear arrogant or just plain insulting.
I find it hard to believe that Evans' sole purpose here is to pump his own ego whilst 'dissing' everybody else. After all, it is unlikely that he is familiar with everyone elses work here. Put it down to trans-atlantic miscommunication or American brashness or whatever. I dont believe there is any real intent to harm and in my eyes it is the 'intent' that is most important.
Feel free to say 'back off newbie' paper-thin ego might survive.
dave c