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  • Thank's Maya..... 

  • One other thing Maya.....

    I've been building a template in Logic and establishing instrument presets within Logic.  Going though many iterations of loading and unloading VI instruments.  It seems to lockup after several loads and unloads of various VI instruments.  I'm only using VI.  I'm thinking maybe a memory management issue......


  • More Information:

    I was able to duplicate the problem.  I can't say this is the only thing that triggers the lock-up but it's worth looking in to......

    I had a track preset "Tenor Trombones".  I wanted two more identical tracks so I pressed the "New Track with Duplicate Setting" button in Logic twice.  I pressed them about a second apart.  Had I went slower, the lockup would not have occured.

    Not sure if this is related or only particially......


  • Hi Chuck, I install the logic 8 software today and there are a few differences. I tried to start a new session and was not successful. However, if you look in the upper right hand corner of the arrange window you will see a Media button. Open this an go to the browser. You should see your projects from logic 7. Open one of the projects, choose one that has all the instruments you want to use. It should open in logic 8 and play. Double click on the Vinna instrument in the insert window of the channel strip and the VI editor should open. To add a new instrument track open Track>New with next channel strip/instument. Then open VI editor to change settings. Maya , In the Logic pro >preference > audio units manager , the Vienna instruments are selected for Logic but you cannot select a node. This seems to be the problem. Regards, Stephen W. Beatty

  • Forgive me for butting in, but as far as I'm aware the nodes are for Logic plugs and 3rd party effects, not instruments.

  • Stephen,

    Let me clarify.... I'm not having a problem opening a VI instance.  I'm building a template and creating channel presets of my instruments.  Once I have a tracked completed, I reset the track, dumping VI to ensure I wasn't using too much memory possibly creating the issue.  I have several track created now.  For some unknown reason, the computer would freeze providing the error message I stated above.  In the process, my sound card gets disconnected resulting in having to reload the drivers.  It's almost like the drivers are being corrupted as a result of the initial act.  I did notice that if I go too fast in creating a new track with duplicate settings that I can create the problem......  Thanks for your response.

    Chuck Green

  • NEW INFO....

    I just attempted to run VI in stand-alone mode.  The screen darkened and I received the error message "You needto restart your computer.  Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button."

    I also noticed that the light on my FireStudio soundcard interface is blinking red/blue very rapidly.  It appears now that Logic 8 is out of the equation.  The problem now seems to reside between the Mac Pro, VI and the Pro-Sonus FireStudio soundcard......

    Chuck Green

  • You've had a kernel panic. Do a search on you drive for "panic.log". It will contain information that will point to the source of the problem. It's most often a RAM issue or a driver issue-- from your description things point to the FireStudio. If audio driver: reinstall the audio driver. If RAM: 1. Repairing disc permissions can clear out the RAM. Works best when no apps are running, but it can be run with an app running with some success. if problem persists: 2. Shut dow the computer completely, then boot it up holding down the following four keys: COMMAND-OPTION-P-R. Hold down these buttons until the computer chimes at least twice-- perhaps three times, then let go. if problem persists: 3. Swap the RAM sticks on your riser card. if problem persists: 4. Try Memtest to search for problems with the RAM:

  • Thanks JWL....  Will do....


  • UPDATE - Can now Replicate the Kernel Panic Condition:

    I appreciate that the VI team will be looking into this issue once they receive their copy of Logic Pro 8 but I thought it may help to explain some additional finding......

    Apple tech David Paulson & I spent about 2 hours of trouble-shooting my crashing (kernel panic) issue.  The following is what we have been able to determine:

    Involved components:  Using Mac-Pro/PreSonus FireStudio Soundcard/Logic Pro 8/Vienna Instruments.

    To replicate the issue:

    1.  Load Logic Pro 8 with a track containing one or more Vienna Instruments  (not the exs version and

         only need a single patch loaded).

    2.  Close sequence program.

    3.  Exit Logic Pro 8.

    4.  Load Stand-Alone version of Vienna Instrument.

    5.  Kernel Panic occurs requiring a shut-down via power switch - total system lockup.

    We then tried the following with no success:

    1.  Disconnected PreSonus FireStudio & configured the internal audio out.

    2.  Removed all but 8 GB of RAM - 4GB in top card & 4 GB in bottom card.

    That eliminated the FireStudio and RAM concerns.


    1.  Loaded a Logic Pro 8 sequence WITHOUT any Vienna Instruments only the EXS version.

    2.  Closed the program and exit Logic Pro 8.

    3.  Loaded Stand-Alone version of Vienna Instruments


    Repeated the above action five times sequentially. 

    Just to be sure, I then loaded sequence with Vienna Instruments followed by closing and then loading Vienna Standalone.  CRASH.

    At this point in time, I believe the problem resides in the Vienna AU application server......

    Hope this helps trouble-shoot the problem.

    Chuck Green

  • Dear Chuck. I had the same type of problem with Logic 7. People told me to: Regarding the error you are experiencing, Open the Vienna Instruments Directory Manager. Click on the "Custom Folders..." button on the lower right. Note down the location of this folder/folders. Close the Directory Manager. Open a new finder window, and locate to where the folder/folders are. You then need to left click on the folder, and hit 'Apple+I' to bring up the get info screen. Look towards the bottom of this window, in the "Ownership and Permissions" section. You may need to click the Padlock, to open it, to allow you to change the following settings: Make sure the "Owner" is set to your own user name. Make sure wherever it say "Access" this is set to Read and Write. < - This is the most important bit. Make sure you hit the apply changes button at the bottom of this window. Say yes to any dialogue boxes that appear. My system works now. Kind Regards Lawrence

  • message above edited (lesser than character + minus has been interpreted as HTML comment and text following therefore not displayed)

    reposts deleted since obsolete now, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.