Hi Herb. These options wont work for my workflow I'm afraid. I like having many articualtions, with lots of 'programming'.
Anyway, I just figured I could setup different matrixs (one for legato, one for short notes etc). Unfortunately the "performance" tab is setup so it's universal... I was hoping that I could set it to velocity Xfade 'on' for the legato matrix and 'off' for the short notes.
In other words no matter if I do it within one matrix, or even between several matrixes I cant do it [:(]
I really wish that this was possible. I find it (and have heard others state this) a real limitation - and one that seems easily fixed.
Please consider it.
Anyway, I just figured I could setup different matrixs (one for legato, one for short notes etc). Unfortunately the "performance" tab is setup so it's universal... I was hoping that I could set it to velocity Xfade 'on' for the legato matrix and 'off' for the short notes.
In other words no matter if I do it within one matrix, or even between several matrixes I cant do it [:(]
I really wish that this was possible. I find it (and have heard others state this) a real limitation - and one that seems easily fixed.
Please consider it.