Hello Stephen,
you can enter your Extended Code anytime later. For now you have a 180 starts demo mode on your Vienna Key (if you didn´t order a Vienna Key, because you´re using, e.g., a Steinberg key, please let us know via email to:
support@vsl.co.at). This demo mode will help you through the installation process and will also allow you to check out the Extended Library!
And when you get the Extended Library Serial Number, you will also receive a second authorization code after your registration [:)]
Which steps are confusin you in the video? What is your setup?
Basically all you need for the installation (as described in the quickstart guide you find on top of everything in your Vienna Instruments box, it is a bright yellowish sheet) is the Syncosoft License Control Center (LCC) and the Vienna Instruments software itself. Of course it is best to check for the latest updates of both programs (as with all software), but in the case of the Special Edition the latest Vienna Instruments software is included (V1.11) on the Software CD, as it was released not too long ago [:)]
Please connect the Vienna Key (or any other Syncrosoft key that holds your Standard Library license) directly to your computer, open the Syncrosoft LCC and check if you can see your key that holds the license.
If you see it, the next step is to install the Vienna Instruments software from your Software CD. Depending on your OS (In couldn´t find a hint...) you will find a folder called "Vienna Instruments" in your programs (PC) or three applciations (all starting with "Vienna instruments") in your "Applcations" folder (Mac OS X).
Please choose the "Vienna Instruments Library Installer", launch it, insert your DVD #1 in your DVD drive and locate "package.info". This will start the installation process [:)] (which takes a while, it is a lot of data and leaves you enough time to check out the
Video Tutorials, which will show you a lot about the new features of the Vienna instruments you are going to use shortly [:)]
You will need to use the "Vienna Instruments Directory Manager" to specify the location of your Special Edition content. Please follow the instructions on the Video "How to use the Drectory Manager".
All these movies are also contained on your Software CD ("Video Tutorials"), you can also open it directly from your Sofware CD or copy them to your harddrive [:)]
Hope that helps!