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    hello musicdesign,
    oops, midiyoke is a _very_ old info (it has been supplied with the first demo-cds and is not intended to run on a production system with XP) - i'll make sure this doesn't happen in the future ...
    if this happens to someone else please uninstall midiyoke first - it may look as if gigastudio might be corrupt, but this is only an effect of an unresolved midi-loop (endless slowly startup, ect)

    if you want to run a sequencer, the performance tool and gigastudio on a single machine, you need virtual midi-channels. midiyoke is fine for W98/ME, but on W2K/XP i would also recommend marble, which has been generously donated to the community by fred hurchalla.

    please set up the following midi-routing: keyboard to physical midi-in and as input to your sequencer, sequ midi-out1 to marbleport1 (here is where the virtual connection is needed), marbleport1 as input in performancetool, performancetool out to nemesisport1, gigastudio midi-in1 to *none*
    if cubasis works similar to cubase you need to select a specific midi-in port as source, because the default is *all* which will lead to a midi-loop and unexpected symptoms

    you would not need virtual midi-ports, if you run sequ and sampler on different machines

    hopefully this could shed some light on the issue und sorry for this inconveniance

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thank you Christian for the reply. I think I understand that! I'll give it a go tomorrow and post my success (or otherwise!) on this notice board. You are a very understanding man!


  • Christian,

    I have now tried your suggestions with the following results.

    First I had to re install Giga studio as it would not initialise properly - error 218. Once I did this it ran OK only when my midi keyboard was switched off. May be this implies a midi loop somewhere??? I'm not sure.

    On successfully starting Giga I set the midi in port 1 to 'none' (port 2 to Delta AP midi) and started my seqencer and the legato tool. On opening the tool an error message appeared saying 'Port not available OK'. I hit OK and set the input to 'Maple 1' and the output to 'nemsis port 1'. I set the output in the sequencer to 'Maple midi 1'

    I loaded 'HO4_02leg_mp' into giga and placed it in port 1/1. I also loaded a non VSL patch (DX7) into port 2/1.

    My sequencer is receiving Midi data and sending it, but I am unable to hear any sounds - giga shows no signs of receiving data. However when I switch to port 2 - the set up I have been using - I hear a nice cheesey DX7 sound as expected!

    The upshot of which is - still no joy with the legato tool and still a few problems with starting GIGA.

    Please could you give me any further help / hope.

    Your incentive is once I'm up and running I'll never bother you again!! (Honest)

    Many thanks in advance for your time


  • Steve,

    If you can, try exactly the same, only this time run it on Windows 2000.
    I bet you anything it will work.


  • Thanks Nat. Unfortuanatley Win2000 is not an option for me. Do you know of any patch I can down load to make XP work. (When I bought this they told me XP was the all singing all dancing - nothing can possibly go wrong version on windows - I hate sales people sometimes!)

  • Steve,

    We have more or less the same specification of PC. Is Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed on your system? I ask this because mine didn't at the time of trying and as you know, I had no success with XP.

    Windows XP is superb; the sales person was not lying. It is in fact still my main operating system but unless there is a patch that remedies the issue we're facing, I continue with a dual boot (using Windows 2000 whenever I work with the Performance Tool & Giga Studio).

    That's all I know. Please share your findings if you solve the problem.

    All the best,

  • Nat,

    Once again thanks for helping. Sorry that I'm not quite up with the jargon, but I'm not sure what SP1 is! I did a quick simple search on my system with nothing found, but that is by no means conclusive.

    I'm not entirely sure what a duel boot is. Do you mean that I need to have both XP and 2000 on the same machine and select the one that I require, ie XP for every day use, 2000 for giga and the legato tool? I didn't think that it was possible to have 2 OS's driving one machine?

    I'm sorry if I sound a little punchy - I've been at this 8 hours a day for the last 6 days and I think I am loosing the plot a little!

    Your help, and Christians is very much appreciated

    Many thanks


  • Steve,

    Any error messages or sudden closures of the Legato Tool?

  • GOT IT - It now works - Thanks for everyones help on this. I was about to give up hope.

    OK - The performance tool does work on XP, this is what I did, but I do not suggest that this is the only or best way to do it - but it worked for me.

    First I uninstalled Giga, perf tool and any midi yokes on the system. The yoke bit is harder that it may seem as some midi yokes do not uninstall fully when you ask them to. Thanks to Christian for that one.

    Next I reinstalled giga (fully) and down loaded the 2.5.4 patch from the web site. I think you must have this bit to make it work! Then I installed a midi yoke from and ran it. Make sure settings are set to 'accept input from seqencer' in the midi settings and check the other box in the 'advanced' menu (this should be set as the default) to accept input. Then I installed and ran the midi tool and put the settings to 'maple 1' in the input section and 'nemsis port 1' as output. Then I ran giga. In the settings menu set the left hand boxes to none. Then I loaded a legato patch and set the tool in box 1 to 'legato' Only than did I switch on my midi keyboard. Then I played the keyboard and very convincing legato sounds came from it.

    I can now go back to worshiping the whole VSL project instead of cursing it! I think that the sounds are in a class of their own and are excellent, but may I suggest that the instructions need to be a little clearer. Excellent support from the office, and very patient. Not too pleased with Time + Space, the UK distributors. They were not very helpful. Hey ho

    Thanks again for everyones help.


  • Congratulations Steve!

    And thanks for writing your explanatory message. I downloaded the patch to update Giga to version 2.5.4 and guess what, it now works with XP! Fantastic news for one and all [:O]

    I've found the same with Time & Space, they're not always the most helpful or courteous, which is why we tended to request help direct from Vienna rather than going through Time & Space.

    Anyway, all the best and happy composing with VSL!


  • i'd like to add: a well-running machine (w2k, GS 2.53.05) broke down after installing 2.54 - not saying this is the rule, but it happened to me.
    so if you try that one on W2K, possibly you should make an image of the system before ....

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.