hello musicdesign,
oops, midiyoke is a _very_ old info (it has been supplied with the first demo-cds and is not intended to run on a production system with XP) - i'll make sure this doesn't happen in the future ...
if this happens to someone else please uninstall midiyoke first - it may look as if gigastudio might be corrupt, but this is only an effect of an unresolved midi-loop (endless slowly startup, ect)
if you want to run a sequencer, the performance tool and gigastudio on a single machine, you need virtual midi-channels. midiyoke is fine for W98/ME, but on W2K/XP i would also recommend marble, which has been generously donated to the community by fred hurchalla.
please set up the following midi-routing: keyboard to physical midi-in and as input to your sequencer, sequ midi-out1 to marbleport1 (here is where the virtual connection is needed), marbleport1 as input in performancetool, performancetool out to nemesisport1, gigastudio midi-in1 to *none*
if cubasis works similar to cubase you need to select a specific midi-in port as source, because the default is *all* which will lead to a midi-loop and unexpected symptoms
you would not need virtual midi-ports, if you run sequ and sampler on different machines
hopefully this could shed some light on the issue und sorry for this inconveniance
oops, midiyoke is a _very_ old info (it has been supplied with the first demo-cds and is not intended to run on a production system with XP) - i'll make sure this doesn't happen in the future ...
if this happens to someone else please uninstall midiyoke first - it may look as if gigastudio might be corrupt, but this is only an effect of an unresolved midi-loop (endless slowly startup, ect)
if you want to run a sequencer, the performance tool and gigastudio on a single machine, you need virtual midi-channels. midiyoke is fine for W98/ME, but on W2K/XP i would also recommend marble, which has been generously donated to the community by fred hurchalla.
please set up the following midi-routing: keyboard to physical midi-in and as input to your sequencer, sequ midi-out1 to marbleport1 (here is where the virtual connection is needed), marbleport1 as input in performancetool, performancetool out to nemesisport1, gigastudio midi-in1 to *none*
if cubasis works similar to cubase you need to select a specific midi-in port as source, because the default is *all* which will lead to a midi-loop and unexpected symptoms
you would not need virtual midi-ports, if you run sequ and sampler on different machines
hopefully this could shed some light on the issue und sorry for this inconveniance
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.