.... there are a lot of things that only Apple could answer, and -i think- they never will! (like the meaning of the "log" after Logic have a crash... we can send it to them... but they don't help us to understand, at least partially, it... Yeah! It's a... Forbidden Planet! [H])
So to speak...
Rino [:D]
This is only a theory about the log "sent to Apple" on a crash:
The data is not immediately read by a human, but stored in their data base. Crashes of a certain type are sought out and compiled as needed by their computer only when a quantity of users having the problem bother to report the data to Apple. The only time the user comments are read by a human being (ie: "what were you doing at the time of the crash") is to verify what may have triggered the problem. If enough different users report the same problems, then Apple has no choice (in good conscience) but to address the issue.
That's just my theory, but I report everything to Apple that I can in hopes it helps in some way. It does feel like yelling into an empty cave sometimes: the only thing that comes back to you is the sound of your own voice echoing within the abyss. [[;)]]