...i've been always wondering from where the disk utility takes the information which file should have which privileges.
this http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25751 could be part of the answer (in a nutshell: correct permissions are stored in the installer package)...
[*-)]: [*-)]: [*-)]: [:O]ops:
...sorry cm (and JWL)... I've just readed that doc... have I misunderstood this line?
>> Should I start up from a Mac OS X install disc to repair disk permissions?
When possible, disk permissions should be repaired while started up from a Mac OS X volume (hard disk) that contains updated Mac OS X software, instead of a Mac OS X installation disc. Mac OS X software updates may change permissions on some files to improve security. When this occurs, the version of Disk Utility on the Mac OS X volume is updated to account for the new permissions. Running Disk Utility while started from the Mac OS X volume ensures that the changes made by software updates are preserved. <<
I'm more confused now...! [:(] Help!