@XXL said:
Another trick under x64 to use MUCH more RAM would be to have a 32-bit version of VSL which starts another (independent) 32-bit application on the x64 system, streams MIDI data to this application and gets back audio (like FX-TELEPORT if it was used on one single system without a remote computer). So, EVERY instance of VSL would be able to load up to 4 GB of samples, since on an x64 system, every single 32-bit application can utilize up to 4 GB of RAM (normally, if using a 32-bit DAW application on x64, it is the DAW application INCLUDING all plug-ins which can IN TOTAL not exceed the 4 GB limit).
This is something many of us have been wondering about, I think. Since the limit is on a single process using > 4GB, why not make more processes? This would work equally well for XP and OS X - this is kind of what Nick et al have been doing by loading multiple versions of the standalone. But something to tie them all together, and make it less cumbersome to manage audio/midi routing (audio particularly) would be a great help. In fact, it could probably be done by just using a modified version of the current standalone, with some sort of scripted launcher app to load new instances. It seems like a viable option. Any comment from VSL?