@stevesong said:
Simply giving the Standalone assignable audio outputs and MIDI inputs would make it easy to run several Standalones along with the plugins instantiated in a DAW. As Nick Batzdorf has pointed out, even with the limitations of the current Standalone, one can load 7GB of samples using this method and some workarounds (e.g. SoundFlower) to compensate for the current Standalone's lack of assignable ins and outs,, but t would be much easier to accomplish if the Standalone had assignable audio outputs and MIDI inputs.
This is all very true... However, lately I'm suffering from acute workaround fatigue syndrome (yes, AWFS - a serious and debilitating disease). I'm intensely yearning for something simple and supported. My machine (dual G5 1.8 ) also happens to run Soundflower like absolute crap, for some reason. I do have a kind of hardware loopback going on between my 2 RME cards, but still... This whole, 'run that port into that port, and this virtual cable into that app, and...' thing has been playing on my sanity for the past few years, and I've kind of hit bottom. (I was quite involved in the early part of Nick's multiple standalones discussion, if you dig around and find the original thread.)
--- Launch sequencer. Boot slave. Compose music. ---
That's what I'm after... call me a dreamer. [;)]
I'm looking at getting a new Mac Pro in the fall, whenever they release a genuine update (i.e., latest Intel chipset - and hopefully not fully-buffered RAM), so maybe then a Soundflower/Standalone workaround will seem more attractive.
But you and Nick are right - it is certainly possible.