I am considering purchasing Vienna SE to run with Sonar 5 on a PC. I have a Pentium 4, 3.2 Ghz machine with 2 GB Ram. Will I be able to do this using Vienna SE as a VST instrument. I read about tweaking a PC if it was previously a Giga machine, which this was not. Also, I understand the LAA concept, but since I will be running SE(only 1-2 layers) does this apply?
Thank you for your assistance.
I am considering purchasing Vienna SE to run with Sonar 5 on a PC. I have a Pentium 4, 3.2 Ghz machine with 2 GB Ram. Will I be able to do this using Vienna SE as a VST instrument. I read about tweaking a PC if it was previously a Giga machine, which this was not. Also, I understand the LAA concept, but since I will be running SE(only 1-2 layers) does this apply?
Thank you for your assistance.