@NealF said:
Thanks JWL.
Now that you mention Audio Units, I recall starting up DP after the instalation and it told me one plug in didn't load or something. I ignored this but that sounds like the problem.
I'm using DP 5.11. Thanks for the tip about 5.12.
I can't get to my studio till tomorrow. Hopefully your post will solve it.
Hey Neal:
DP will look for MAS plugins, and where a MAS version and an AU version co-exist (such as M5) it will skip the AU inspection and choose the MAS version-- unless you remove the MAS '.bundle' file form the MAS folder. In this case, it will inspect the AU version upon reboot.
I know VSL has nothing to do with MAS, but I thought I'd mention it just the same in case one quirk leads you on a wild goose chase. You should, however, read your Audio Unit Info Cache to see which plugin was skipped. Should that VI also be on your system in MAS form, this would explain why the AU inspection for that plugin was skipped.
If the skipped AU is related to VSL-VI, then a reinstall or update of the VSL-VI components would be the next step. But try the other steps first.