Mine still shows up without a discount after I confirm my order address [:P] Can I safely order and rest assured that the discount shown in the previous pages will be included, or should I wait until it gets fixed?[:)] Is pretty much a no-brainer to me, since I might need to compose on a laptop during the summer. So this comes as a pleasent surprise.
Great news!!
Sorry if I overred something, but any word on how many staccato samples per note? More than 2?
Thanks a lot!
As I mentioned we are working on a more detailed articulation list (we try to include also velocity and alternation-sample informations)
The articulation overview in the Product Info already lists the articulations for all wind instruments:
• Staccato
• Portato
• Sustains
• Sforzato
• Legato Performances
and all string instruments
• Staccato
• Portato
• Sustains
• Sforzato
• Legato Performances
• Portamento Performances
• Pizzicato
• Tremolo
Thank you for answering our questions Herb and co. Its much appreciated.
One last question, for the saxophone in the extended lib, are they "jazz" style or "classical" style or both?
Thanks again! I'm very excited about this lib, and am even contemplating credit card debt to obtain it! [:)]
I think you guys should reed the instrument list again. Opus 1+2 = 35 GB. VI SE regular + extended content = 80 GB.
And 24 bit, assuming it is, will add dept.
Its not fair to compare the libs on size alone, for as you stated, 24bit adds more file size than our 16bit Opus. Plus I'm assuming SPECIAL EDITION contains chromatic sampling, which would in essence double the size of opus 1, which was whole tone sampled, correct?
Though this looks amazing for the amount of instruments, especially the added content like solo/chamber/Appassionata strings, ensemble winds, new winds like saxophones, alto flute, piccolo trumpet, Eb clarinet, c trumpet, horn ensembles, contra bass bone/tuba, guitars, piano, etc, I dont see how each instrument could be as extensively represented as in Opus 1+2. In fact, I expect much less "extensive" representations in Special Edition just to fit all these new instruments, chromatic samples, and 24bit files into 80 gigs, which in itself is AMAZING!!
I personally will be buying this for the OUTSTANDING VI player and added instruments. Though it will probably become my "go to," lib due to ease of use alone, I do not expect it to 100% replace Opus 1+2.
I could be wrong though. [:)]
Once the indepth articulation list is available, It would be interesting if someone could create a "comparison PDF" of Opus 1+2 and VI SE regular + extended.
@Michel said:
I just tried to order and I am getting the following :
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Standard Library $ 445
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Extended Library $ 595
1 Discount on Vienna Instruments for registered products $ -1,070
Total: $ -30
That's a real deal [;)]
I got this:
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Standard Library € 345
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Extended Library € 465
1 Discount on Vienna Instruments for registered products € -840
Total: € -30
What happens if I click order after the VSE has been added to the cart? Will I be transferred to Best Service or is that the actual order button? I have a VAT ID so I want to order without VAT. And I want to see the articulation list before ordering so I'm asking so that I'm ready when the list comes. [:P]
Hello VSL,
I noticed there are some Concert Guitar articulations in Special Edition.
Does this mean that at some time in the near future I can purchase a full Concert Guitar in the VI format? This would certainly re-vitalize that product.
I certainly would enjoy that - to the extent that I would take my wallet out, find my credit card and purchase it immediately.
VSL has no direct sale for products which need media to be shipped, so in this case the order gets forwarded to the distributor of your region.@janila said:
What happens if I click order after the VSE has been added to the cart?
if you have a VAT-ID please enter it as comment - such a number has to be checked before billing (unfortunately still a manual process).
the rules for sales without the need of shipping a physical good differ.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.