Special Edition is also whole tone and not chromatic scales.
@Michel said:
I just tried to order and I am getting the following :
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Standard Library $ 445
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Extended Library $ 595
1 Discount on Vienna Instruments for registered products $ -1,070
Total: $ -30
That's a real deal [;)]
I got this:
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Standard Library € 345
1 Vienna Instruments Special Edition Extended Library € 465
1 Discount on Vienna Instruments for registered products € -840
Total: € -30
What happens if I click order after the VSE has been added to the cart? Will I be transferred to Best Service or is that the actual order button? I have a VAT ID so I want to order without VAT. And I want to see the articulation list before ordering so I'm asking so that I'm ready when the list comes. [:P]
Hello VSL,
I noticed there are some Concert Guitar articulations in Special Edition.
Does this mean that at some time in the near future I can purchase a full Concert Guitar in the VI format? This would certainly re-vitalize that product.
I certainly would enjoy that - to the extent that I would take my wallet out, find my credit card and purchase it immediately.
VSL has no direct sale for products which need media to be shipped, so in this case the order gets forwarded to the distributor of your region.@janila said:
What happens if I click order after the VSE has been added to the cart?
if you have a VAT-ID please enter it as comment - such a number has to be checked before billing (unfortunately still a manual process).
the rules for sales without the need of shipping a physical good differ.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
now that the detailed articulation lists are out, it is clear that the special edition is not really a replacement for opus 1 & 2 since it does not only restrict the number of articulations but what´s worse also cuts the number of layers from something between 4 to 6 down to 3.
i would have prefered to pay (considerably) more to have the full opus content included, but probably for many new users these restrictions are not an issue at that price.
in any case it is fair that you provide all details. i for one still think that even with these restrictions its an amazing deal and don´t regret ordering before seeing the articulation list.
however, i am really puzzled, that whereas both the catalog and the product info include portato articulations for woodwinds and brass, the new list doesn´t - i really hope this is a typo since their lack would be a _huge_ restriction ...
another question: which detache version is included 0´3s, 0´5s or both?
Hi and thanks for putting on the detailed articulations list.
I honestly think that this package is a steal, but personally I saw that just 2 alternate staccato notes are available. On sus or legato articulations I fully understand, but on staccato?
The thing is, through the enclosed player you are not even able to apply or reprogram articulations via K2 scripts or so.
So, cool deal, but not for me ...
Well... I for one think this is awesome value for money, even with only 2-3 velocities. Beats GPO hands down times 10000 to infinity and back again for sure [H] VSL sounds 100 times better than GPO, has true legato and all the other features. I realize that VSL SE in its standard edition is 1,5-2 times the price of GPO, but you get quality samples and performances for a lot of instruments for this price. I will personally use it for if/when I need to compose on a laptop. I also think it's great that samples has been reduced to whole tone, so I can load more stuff into one machine - exactly how much taht can be fitted into 2-3 GB RAM remains to be seen.