nah she's just fine being my ex girlfriend. The arguing is easier now, since it doesn't start a chain reaction of events [[[:)]]] Arguing with a new girlfriend would be worse [[[:)]]]
but yah, the credits listed Paul Haslinger as Music composer/programmer.
and Libraries: Vienna Symphonic Library, Spectrasonics.
I'll be completely honest and say I wasnt too happy with the music (or the movie) overall. The cuts to Rock n roll cuts for one werewolf change was kinda cheesy (one argument with my ex) They intercut it with an actual radio being turned on. She says is "new" I call it old hat and cheesy to boot. Its a throwback to some older horror flicks which I like, but the whole movie has a much more over the top brooding attitude. They should have stuck with a mood and went with it. If they focused on the wolves more and the movie wasnt' bleached to hell so you could SEE the browns AND they had more "non score music" throughout it wouldn't have felt so out of place....but maybe I'm think? ;P
Add to it that the main characters dont know how to shoot guns (not that I do either). Note too self. Slow motion shots of people that cant shoot REMOTELY straight looks very stupid. Lots of neat ideas in the flick tho, but they need to stay away from the Zemeckis train of thought regarding trailers, which is to show the whole movie in the trailer via key scenes that have you anticipating them when you see the flick..... GAH!!
After watching the flick I felt the same I did with Equilibruim, its paced almost exactly the same way, so some of the pacing issues I had with that flick I have with Underworld. Atleast there was some nice clothes again [[[:)]]] Wimmer films guns better tho IMO (not better than woo or the wachowski bros), even if that kung-fu-gun-do fighting style is a bit over the top. The effects in UW were neat tho, and there were a couple of scenes (which I'd seen in the trailer) that I love (Lucius chasing the car is one of the coolest things I was anticipating). Again some great ideas, but just "eh" in alot of areas. I shouldn't complain much tho...I mean...I'll just go back and watch Queen of the Damned for a vampire flick that tried to have attitude, and cringe.
and DAMMIT stop cheating us with the *main* character fights! When Neo and Smith get to gether to fight we get excited about a big fight, when Donny Yen and Jackie Chan get together to fight, we get excited about great action, when you get to the last boss in a video game (what is a blockbuster movie but a video game?), we get excited to see how he/she will kick our asses. I feel cheated when I'm instantly brought back to Johnny Neumonic scenes (tho it had to be one of the best scenes in that lame movie)
oh wait, supposed to be talking about the music/samples [;)] hehee