@herb said:
The piece is exclusively performed with the Special Edition (Standard content). Of course the piano could shine more with the full version, but I think Giovanni Rotondo did a fine job with the stripped down SE version.
the soprano part is even acceptable. Repated chords passages in left hand, instead, sound very static. And I restate that, to my taste, the "shrinked" Bose has often to be post-equalized (i.e., cut higher harmonics) because the
forte layer coud result too
The orchestra, in comparison, sounds far more better than the "pocket-sized" piano, but one could also wonder, at this point, why a Mozart concerto should be rendered by a computer with all that excellent live recordings out there...
IMO, the piano is
not the shire horse of the SE edition. And if one wishes to go beyond a good but limited mockup, an investment in the full VSL Bose (or any other piano library ad lib) should be taken in consideration.