Hello all of you
And sorry for my English wich will sometime look strange (-; Thanks for all your useful answers. Now :
I unterstand their are two types of Kontakt : the full actual "Kontakt 2", wich can effecrively play all VSL Libraries; and secondly the "Kontakt 2 Player" wich is included in the new vesion of Sibelius 5 (now an UB application). On the Sibelius website I sow this statment " Plus you can use any Kontakt Player 2 or Kontakt 2-format sounds, too."
So to me this will mean that for example the "Special Edition" from VSL wich is VST and AU (on Mac only) will work in Sibelius 5 without doubts. But :
The "Concert Guitar-Horizon serie" from VSL is indicaded on the VSL webpage as available in this formats : TASCAM Gigastudio 2.5 - EMAGIC ESX mkII - Steinberg Halion - Native Instruments Kontakt.
Ok, if I'm enough rich I could also add LogicPro to all my upgrades and it would be really nice. But what I finally need to know :
Is VSL Concert Guitar format only loadable in the above devices and not in the new Kontakt 2 Palyer running in Sibelius 5, or is this librarie loadable in the Sibelius 5 new Player. That is the question, sorry if I insist.
Where should I post question to get the exact answer ? I have posted this question at Sibelius forum and they gave me the advice to post here.
I could not unterstand the other consederations about chipset... But yes the new MacbookPro with 4 Gb is really an option … but if I have to buy also Sib5 upgrade, full Kontakt, plus VSL and maybe LogicPro my bank will put me in jail ... ((-;
So to stop my long post, again thanks to all of you and I will for sure find what I need before buying all the stuff.
Best regards