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  • Concert Guitar Horizon Serie on Mac Intel & Sibelius 5 ?

    I'm new to this forum and have some questions. I plan to buy the new Sibelius 5 upgrade and I have before to change my actual mac PPC for an Intel Mac. Secondly I plan to buy the VSL Concert Guitar Horizon Serie. So my questions are : as now Sibelius will be able to use VSL directly; will an iMac Intel 24" with 3 Gb RAM be enough powerfull for plaback this VSL sounds, and is it possible for sure to use VSL Concert Guitar directly in the new Sibelius 5 ?

    Many thanks for suggestions and advices.


  • welcome JJacks,
    as far as i understood sib5 can now insert VST instruments - the sample libraries from the horizon series rely on a seperate sampler (giga, exs, kontakt, halion) - so you could eg. run the concert guitar in kontakt and insert the kontakt player into sibelius.

    btw: there is a demo of sib5 available to download - it was not obvious without the manual to me how to insert the VI instrument, but it worked well finally.

    edit: IMO 3 GB will be more than sufficient for the concert guitar

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Many thanks for your answer,
    I unterstand well what you say about using VSL Guitar in Kontakt and then Kontakt in Sibelius. But reading the infos on Sibelius website I unterstand it in this way : Sibelius is using a Kontakt 2 new player and should be able to load the VSL librarie (or libraries). But because the software world is sometime not so easy to manage is the reason for my questions. So I know now that anyway I shoud be able to use VSL Guitar in Sibelius through his own player or by using an external Kontakt player. And I feel more confident as you say 3 Gb will be enough to run all this stuff.
    I try to get all the correct infos because buying a new mac and different softwares at the same time can quickly become to much costly for me.

    Again, so many thanks.

  • apologies, obviously i didn't read that far ... have been more interested in inserting the ViennaInstruments, but it seems you are right: if it is a fully functional kontakt 2 player, you can use this version to load the kontakt 2 version of any VSL horizon series library.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi JJacks. Please be aware that there is a difference between Kontakt Player 2 and Kontakt 2 - the latter is the latest version of Native's sampler that can play any Kontakt-formatted sample library (including the VSL ones obviously), whereas the Player is configured to play only certain instruments, for example Garritan Gofriller Cello.

    I have both and when I open the Player it can't 'see' my Kontakt libraries.

  • Apple last week released new PowerBooks with the "Santa Rosa" chip set. This allows 4 gigs of memory at the same price that they used to offer only 3 gigs. My guess is that soon Apple will release new 24 inch iMacs with the same chip set so you might want to wait (perhaps just a few weeks) and get 4 gigs.

    Check a thought.

  • a tiny correction: santa rosa is not a chipset, but the codename for a new platform, the chipset (Mobile 965 with integrated video GMA X3100 and southbridge ICH8M) is not responsible for accessing 4GB instead of 3 - it is needed to connect to the new centrino duo (FSB 800) and allows IDA, Intel Dynamic Acceleration (one core running at a higher beat while the second core stays idle) as well as reducing the beat of the frontsidebus if useful.

    the processor is basically a core 2 duo with 4 MB shared cache, but able to act in several enrgy saving modes.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hello all of you

    And sorry for my English wich will sometime look strange (-; Thanks for all your useful answers. Now :

    I unterstand their are two types of Kontakt : the full actual "Kontakt 2", wich can effecrively play all VSL Libraries; and secondly the "Kontakt 2 Player" wich is included in the new vesion of Sibelius 5 (now an UB application). On the Sibelius website I sow this statment " Plus you can use any Kontakt Player 2 or Kontakt 2-format sounds, too."

    So to me this will mean that for example the "Special Edition" from VSL wich is VST and AU (on Mac only) will work in Sibelius 5 without doubts. But :

    The "Concert Guitar-Horizon serie" from VSL is indicaded on the VSL webpage as available in this formats : TASCAM Gigastudio 2.5 - EMAGIC ESX mkII - Steinberg Halion - Native Instruments Kontakt.

    Ok, if I'm enough rich I could also add LogicPro to all my upgrades and it would be really nice. But what I finally need to know :

    Is VSL Concert Guitar format only loadable in the above devices and not in the new Kontakt 2 Palyer running in Sibelius 5, or is this librarie loadable in the Sibelius 5 new Player. That is the question, sorry if I insist.

    Where should I post question to get the exact answer ? I have posted this question at Sibelius forum and they gave me the advice to post here.

    I could not unterstand the other consederations about chipset... But yes the new MacbookPro with 4 Gb is really an option … but if I have to buy also Sib5 upgrade, full Kontakt, plus VSL and maybe LogicPro my bank will put me in jail ... ((-;

    So to stop my long post, again thanks to all of you and I will for sure find what I need before buying all the stuff.

    Best regards

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    @Another User said:

    Where should I post question to get the exact answer ? I have posted this question at Sibelius forum and they gave me the advice to post here.

    haha - great answer ... i'll see if we can find someone simply trying this, although so far there is only a demo of sib5 available

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hello

    Thanks a lot. So the format for the 2 sampler engines are the same one with and the other without the edit capabilities as I unterstand.

    About where to post, maybe should I try to ask at NI website ? I will give it a try. Yes there is only the Sib5 demo available wich comes without the Kontakt player !
    So testing it possibilities are = 0.

    If you can find more I would really appreciate and if I get some infos from NI I will give this infos here [:)]

    Best regards

  • I just spoke to Sibelius UK tech support. According to them the Kontakt Player 2 bundled with Sibelius 5 will only read libraries which are specifically formatted for Kontakt Player 2, so it won't read the VSL Horizon Series Concert Guitar Kontakt library.

    However, Kontakt 2 (the full version of the sampler) will happily run inside Sibelius 5 so if you buy it you can access the library that way. It's arguably a good investment because nowadays many companies release their sounds in Kontakt 2 format. Hopefully VSL will one day release Concert Guitar (and its hairy companion, the excellent 'Overdrive' rock guitar) as Vienna Instruments?

  • Many thanks to you

    Now it look's more clear to me ! Yes I think I will make the choice of the full Kontakt 2. I will certainly also buy Logic Express (I was first thinking at Logic Pro but I really do not need so a big, Pro & costly software). So if I need more precise edition I can export my Sib 5 files as midi and import them in Logic Express where I can also use the full Kontakt 2 with VSL Concert Guitar. I plan also to add the VSL Special Edition (Standart for the begining). This make's me having one more question and after that I think I will no more disturb you with my questions (-;

    The last question : will a 3 Gb RAM Intel iMac be enough when using Logic Express + Kontakt 2 + (say) many instruments ? (The same thing will certainly happen with Sib 5 + Kontakt 2 + many instruments)

    Their is also this option : a new Intel MacBookPro - 4 Gb RAM, but more costly...

    In all the cases I have to say I'm happy with all your advices.

    Best regards

  • please note the VSL performance tool for EXS 24 mkII can only be inserted into logic pro - logic express does not have the respective interface (connector).
    working with logic pro i would recommend to use the exs version of the concert guitar instead of inserting kontakt - having two (or even more) streaming engines running simultaneously on a single machine has turned up to be sometimes problematic.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian

    Thanks for the note wich is important . So I can imagine that the same thing will happen if I use this VSL librairie with 2 engines : VSL HS Concert Guitar in Kontakt and finally Kontakt in Logic Express. I am correct ?

    So it means I have to use it in Logic Pro, correct ?

    Jean Jacques

  • sorry, maybe not clear enough ... running logic/exs plus kontakt plus vienna instruments _could_ cause problems (depends also much on the rest of your system).

    although i wouldn't see a reason to insert kontakt into logic (which comes with its own streaming engine, the exs) unless you have a library which is only available in kontakt and another one which is only available for exs, i think many users have such a setup running fine.

    clearly each streaming engine *intends* to get the priority on your system to work at its best conditions - so using two or even more of them simultaneously _might_ cause an overall sub-optimal behavior ... that's all.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • So the best way for me would be :
    - Sibelius > export as midi file
    - import the midi file in Logic Pro

    and then using the Concert Guitar from VSL direct in Logic Pro via EXS & VSL Standart Edition as an Audio Unit in Logic Pro. I think I'm correct now (-;

    I hope an iMac with 3 Gb Ram will be enough to do this. Thanks for your help

    Jean Jacques

  • Jean Jacques, that sounds logical!

    As an extension to JJ's query, can I ask here on behalf of all who are interested if VSL intend to release Vienna Concert Guitar and Overdrive as Vienna Instruments? They are fine libraries and if available as VI's they could be inserted directly in Sibelius 5, Logic Express (etc.) without having to worry about accomodating the old Performance Tool application. This would greatly simplify matters technically as well as adding another very useful musical dimension to the VI collection.

    (If you do re-format 'Overdrive' can I request that the Extended version includes a black t-shirt with 'VSL Rocks' written in blood-dripping letters?)

  • Thanks Christian, I unterstand and will see ones I have more experience with all this things.

    Jean Jacques

  • Yes Conquer …

    i'm interested if the Concert Guitar will become a VI usable in Sib 5 & Logic Express too ! All my questions I have posted here because of :
    - Apple has moved to Intel processors & the apps to UB…
    - My old & slow eMac should be replaced with a new Intel mac
    - Sib 4 is not UB & has audio issues on Intel macs
    - Sib 5 is UB and will sheep soon
    - as a classical guitar player & teacher I need a good sound librarie
    - VSL HS Concert Guitar is such (the only one) a librarie but not VST - AU or VI
    - I'm not an editor, professionel sound designer or producer etc
    - I'm a musician loving real beautiful instrtuments sounds !
    - I compose also & would like in my pedagogic activity to make good cds
    for my students…
    - Do I really need Logic Pro wich is so costly !
    - if I add all what I need to buy, it comes to a really big amount !!!

    So yes why not to reformat the VSL HS Concart Guitar & making it available to more people & of course the same for the Overdrive for people intersted in it ?

    Jean Jacques

  • Here here! Trying to get a groundswell going here. Would any Vienna Concert Guitar and Overdrive fans care to add their names to our two-man campaign?