@Another User said:
We have tested OWC and TransIntl memory on our 8 core. And those companies have confirmed that their memory is fully compatible with the 8 core.
NO, the heatsink has not been altered on Apple's factory "8 core compatible" memory. It's identical those shipped with the 4 core Mac Pro.
As for the reference to compatible drive kits, Apple's bulletin makes absolutely no sense. And, NO, the sled design has not been altered on the 8 core, as some have claimed.
I am waiting to hear from several other third party RAM suppliers - who promised to do actual testing. When I hear from them I will post an update.
Barefeats does have some benchmarks showing that while the 8 core machine is much faster than the Quad in purely computational tasks, but that real world applications like Adobe's CS3 seem to show only a modest increase in speed, if any. This, they attribute to a lack of sufficient bandwith in the memory bus and to the way in which OS10.4 addresses multiple processors. This latter problem was supposed to be solved in Leopard - - but, as we all now know, Leopard is now delayed "until October."
For more on this subject see:
http://diglloyd.com/diglloyd/blog.htmlGiven all this, I'm hoping, ever more fervently, that you guys at VSL will consider issuing a version of the Standalone that has assignable audio outputs - - which would make it much easier to exceed the RAM limits of 32bit operating systems. Although Nick Batzdorf seems to have had success with SoundFlower, it has never worked for me without introducing pops and clicks....