@ColinThomson said:
Thank you. I will spend time going through your suggestions. I must plead ignorance with much of the computer related side of music. So usually when I get a reply, I do some searching for all of the terms people use in order to find out what exactly they mean, and then I do them. Sort of a long process, but I am on overload trying to learn so much at once. I looked at a cheaper USB keyboard, but most of the cheap ones do not have 88 keys, and I am first and foremost a pianist, so this is very important.
Thanks for the reply. I will give your suggestions a try
Colin, I'm a pianist too, although i've been called much worse than that!
Maybe it's worth thinking of a cheap USB keyboard as a control surface, or 'Midi manipulation Tool', rather than viewing it purely from a performance perspective.
Here's an Apple article related to Logic, that gives some tips on setup and optimisation. I found these useful, and implemented several with a positive result.
There are a lot of friendly people here who are far more knowledgable than i, who will jump in and help, when they sober up....[H]
Steve's suggestion is useful too, concerning plugging your Midi straight into the mac, instead of powered hub.
Another useful site for Logic tips, and optimisation is this one, managed by a very knowledgable chap named David, and ably assisted by several others. (See a member named 'Stevenson' in this forum or 'Rohan Stevenson' in the apple forums for just about everything there is to do with Logic's Score Editor. He's a guru.)
A general search will reveal much to help, but there is a tips and tricks section that will give you useful info, if you're unsure where to start.
http://www.logicprohelp.com/You can also peruse the EXS section in this forum, as there have been quite a few discussions about Logic, and Mac resources.
My computer knowledge is limited too, but if i can help further, don't hesitate to ask. It was fairly recently that i found out what MIDI means!
Until then i presumed, given my clumsy software knowledge, that it should read:
'My Ignorance Dims Inspiration.' [:O]ops:
Regards, and good luck,