I run nearly the same setup as you, but with Protools HD instead of Logic, and using MidiOverLAN.
You have plogue Bidule, so itøs easy to setup as many instances of VI as your MacMini can run. Connect the output of each VI instance in PB to the inputs on the Profire and voila, you can now route each VI to it's own ADAT channel in the Profire and and over into the MOTU. As for recieving MIDI, using MOL it's easy to assign each VI it's own midi port and midi channel. Opening the Profires Midi-input as a Midi-device in PB will give u access to the incomming midi signals, and I suggest you try out using the Midi-Splitter under the MIDI tab in the PB palette to be able to hook each VI instance up with the Profire single input. You should then be able to use Midi Channels from Logic to access each VI instance on the slave.
As for mix-downs, you can't do an offline bounce in Logic, as the VIs on your slave are not hosted within Logic. But with multiple ADAT feeds into Logic from the slave you could just do one realtime bounce in Logic, which shouldn't be too hard to suffer through. We do this in Protools all the time. [;)]
As for setting up Logic I can't help you, but there are several Logic freaks residing here I believe...? [:D]
Good luck.
Am I right that I can't set up multiple instances of VI on the slave and have them receive on separate channels? If so, this ruins my hardware plan.
You have plogue Bidule, so itøs easy to setup as many instances of VI as your MacMini can run. Connect the output of each VI instance in PB to the inputs on the Profire and voila, you can now route each VI to it's own ADAT channel in the Profire and and over into the MOTU. As for recieving MIDI, using MOL it's easy to assign each VI it's own midi port and midi channel. Opening the Profires Midi-input as a Midi-device in PB will give u access to the incomming midi signals, and I suggest you try out using the Midi-Splitter under the MIDI tab in the PB palette to be able to hook each VI instance up with the Profire single input. You should then be able to use Midi Channels from Logic to access each VI instance on the slave.
As for mix-downs, you can't do an offline bounce in Logic, as the VIs on your slave are not hosted within Logic. But with multiple ADAT feeds into Logic from the slave you could just do one realtime bounce in Logic, which shouldn't be too hard to suffer through. We do this in Protools all the time. [;)]
As for setting up Logic I can't help you, but there are several Logic freaks residing here I believe...? [:D]
Good luck.