@Nick Batzdorf said:
....The only thing that gives it away is that the 16ths are very even...
Hi Nick
You are right and I agree.
For example I had to play the following notes:
b a cis a dis a e a dis a cis a b a a a
How to play them? I think that there are two possibilities:
1. stac-1 stac-2 stac-1 stac-2 .... every a will be played with stac-2 >>> EVEN
2. stac-1 stac-1 stac-2 stac-2 stac-1... you have a little variation every 2nd a
I took both of them. In case of the a-note you sometimes have a "leere Saite"-situation, specialy with repetitions. The direct translation is "empty string". I don't know the word in English. But it means that the violinplayer can play the a-tone without pressing a finger with the A-string. So with "leere Saite"-situations I followed the concept 1, because the "leere Saite" sounds rather even. For other repetition-situations I used scheme 2. I tryed to make the best... The best solution would be to have stac-1 stac-2 stac-3 stac-4... and harddisks... or
to buy a professional orchestra. [:O] So the Partita shows us also "some borders" between computer- and livemusic. [H]
Good idea to quantize with a groove... but don't tell Mr. Bach about it! [[;)]]
Beat Kaufmann
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/