OK, so.. besides the volume drop problem that I can't figure out, probably a good setup is this:
In the DSP settings, in the aux section.. set up three GigaPulse instances: close, mid, and far. You can set these up however you like.. but basically you want to be able to position instruments at the front of the stage or in the center, or rear. Or you could save CPU and just have two: close & far. That might work out OK too.
Next.. on the DSP inputs, define several DSP inputs.. let's assume above you only created close/far, for simplicity sake. You can create inputs as such:
- Solo L (c) [solo instrument, panned left, close]
- Solo C (c)
- Solo R (c)
- Solo L (f) [solo instrument, panned left, far]
- Solo C (f)
- Solo R (f)
- SmallEns L (c) [small ensemble (e.g. 3 flutes), panned left, close]
- .....etc.etc.
- BigEns L (c) [big ensemble (e.g. Epic Horns, 1st violins), panned left, close]
- .....etc.etc.
I don't remember off the top of my head how many inputs Giga3 supports, but I do think it was a lot. Anyway, now here on the inputs you want to set your widths and panning. For solo instruments, keep widths narrow (0-5%), for small ensembles, try maybe 5-10% or 5-15%. For large ensembles, maybe around 20-30%. Then, route these inputs into groups. The groups is where you will link the proper inputs to the right aux sends.. be sure "PRE" and "ON" are both highlighted.. you want prefading on these, and link to the correct aux sends.
And that's it! You've now got a multi-position stage placement setup going on. This is all off the top of my head, without actually trying it out in Giga yet, but I'm pretty sure this is how it would be set up. I'll post here to make any corrections if I've made any mistakes here.
Good luck!