I'll discuss this issue with you further, because there does seems to be a point here that is something new. You mentioned that if you compare reel orchestra recordings, they have an airiness to them, which is a valid point to make. But you know what, that airiness is soft or easy listening. which means if you can control music even more, then you can make a better statement with it. Take mixing for rock & roll for example, you mix for effectivness, which is similar to making the speakers jump. That is what sounds better for that genre, and what causes sales. If you can make speakers jump with clearity in the Classical or Orchestra venue, then thats somthing completely new, and which it is. The Bach VSL recordings on this sight are much more effective and moving than the usual standard recordings of real performances. This is because of the constrained and limited recordings done with a live setting. So here, trying to carbon copy a live real sound is misleading, I think and totaly new. and needs addressing. Then again if you add the surround sound capabilities, thats just around the corner. Imagine taking the woodwinds and making a merry go round effect with them along with the composition. Thats new grounds that I've been waiting for. The future looks exciting. That is if you don't get attacked. I'm getting off know before I get hurt.