1 Applecare protection plan automatically covers an apple displays you buy WITH your G5, that's what is good about it because displays are very expensive to fix, so it's the same price for the warrantee with or without an apple display (good that you're getting one).
2. thats a NO to the fibre channel. I was sayng, SATA PCI card is something different. From my fairly limited knowledge, fibre channel is for the apple raid system very expensive, probably more than you're whole package is right now on it's own. I'm talking about something else it's a PCI card that runs an external connector so you can plug in a SATA RAID box a power box basicallly that houses hard drives. The best SATA PCI cards have dual bus. Now these *may* (some of them) connect by fibre channel, I don't know how they connect I haven't seen one but here's a link to what looks like a decent systemto start with and you can go from there. All I can say is, check out a few that you think look good (use google), and then search forums on the net an dread what people have been saying about these systems *recently* and maybe try the logic pro discussions at apple's site that's a good place to ask since you want it to work with logic, and of course any reviews you can find (as well as here of course if you want to start a thread just for the raid system maybe somebody here can let you know if a particular box is good or not)
http://www.barefeats.com/hard41.htmlIMO the hard drive aspect is vitally important, you can't run all those instruments without a decent hard drive system it just isn't going to work and all that other kit is going to go to waste. Someone correct me here if I'm wrong. So take your time and get the right thing. You're going to need at least 4 hard drives running together to get the kind of number of instruments and set up you're talking about. Don't forget, these are in addition to the two you will get installed internally, don't forget that extra second internal drive for audio projects and freeze tracks. the sample drives have to be for samples only. You copy the samples to those drives and once you've done that they should be used as read only then you'll always have a fast system.
Someone else mentioned sound hardware as well - good point, how are you going to hear all this? The mac's audio system is not really good to use for playback. I suggest a Mobile IO ULN-2 excellent quality converters, runs off the firewire cable (no power required), super nice mic pre's if you need them, otherwise it's a straight two in two out analogue, plug in your monitors and you're away, also has some digital interfaces if you need them but for your set up by the sounds of it, you just need the two analogue out's and these will provide you with very high quality one's indeed. Monitors - maybe other people on this forum can suggest those, I've had the same ones for years just some Alesis M1 Actives but I can't comment in that area I have no idea what's good, I just know my own speakers.
MIxers: hardware mixers: over rated now days I think, if you have the cash as a last thing to buy, go for it, but just get a control system and mix in your mac, like a Mackie control desk so you can control your logic faders but IMO budget wise and project wise, it's the last thing to consider because you really don't need them these days it's more of a luxury. The hard drives and sound library for example way more important.
Other than the hard drives yep, I think your specs are good.