Missing you already! Don't be a stranger! Keep in touch with yer self!
[:'(] [:'(] [:'(]
Bye then!
[:'(] [:'(] [:'(]
[:'(] [:'(] [:'(]
Bye then!
[:'(] [:'(] [:'(]
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I'm an expert in comparative English grammar btw.
@rawmusic said:
Glad to see PaulR is being his usual helpful self. As a past "victim" (for victim read someone who had to endure post after post of drivel from the man before I realised what a waste of time it and he was), you have my sympathy, but you will get over him in, ummmm, 2 seconds...
@hermitage59 said:
p.s. I can be articulate, I can be intelliigent, and i can still use my brain for something else besides taking the bait.
@MichaelSel said:
now im in a problem.
where can i get these mallets?
nobody seems to have heard of it and i want to get my piece performed.
i want to start rehersals and i can get those mallets! (the superball...)
where can i but them?
and do they have a different name?