Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Julie said:

    I am very familiar with the Rite of Spring - do you think I'm an idiot!

    Ummm. I'll need time to think about that.

    I've thought about it.


    Why do you think I'm an idiot? [:(] What have I done or said that makes you think that? Because I stand up against people making fun of me does not make me an idiot, quite the contrary - please explain. In order to maintain respect, one must back up insults such as claims of idiocy. Would you not agree with me? So, please explain.

  • Paul has me pegged as an imbecile too, Julie. I wouldn't worry.

    He's either a real or honorary Notherner, thinks Harry Potter is a load of rubbish (and by extension anyone who likes it is an imbecile), never says "wow" on job interviews or elsewhere, and has been known to enjoy the occasional beamer.


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    @Julie said:

    In order to maintain respect, one must back up insults such as claims of idiocy. Would you not agree with me? So, please explain.

    What??? You thought that was an insult?

    Fck me Julie - you need to get out more.

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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    Paul has me pegged as an imbecile too, Julie. I wouldn't worry.

    He's either a real or honorary Notherner, thinks Harry Potter is a load of rubbish (and by extension anyone who likes it is an imbecile), never says "wow" on job interviews or elsewhere, and has been known to enjoy the occasional beamer.


    This was hilarious! Maybe the only time I've laughed out loud reading a post - good work. What is he thinking anyway, making fun of a girl? [:D]

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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    Paul has me pegged as an imbecile too, Julie. I wouldn't worry.

    (to be read in Mickey Mouse voice)

    Oh Nick - you bought that up again. Oh wow! Wow! I can't believe you bought that up again. Wow!

    I'm an expert in comparative English grammar btw.

    Get my drift Julie? Or is it someone else?

    Is there anybody out there?


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    @Julie said:

    In order to maintain respect, one must back up insults such as claims of idiocy. Would you not agree with me? So, please explain.

    I think that you'll find that PaulR couldn't give a rat's a*s about maintaining respect [:D]

    However, for your future reference here are a few (unrequested) tips in order to avoid being laughed at:

    1) Don't ask people if they think that you're an idiot (even without the question mark); the answer will always be "yes".

    2) Don't state that something is an obvious necessity, when it is not obvious to the company making the product.

    3) Try to make a few helpful posts on a forum from time to time to avoid being classed as a troublemaker by other users. You may not care what they think of you, but they might be able to help you occasionally. This one is my favourite as there have been times (on other forums) where I've tried to help only to be "cut down to size" by the original poster. Do you think that I've ever helped them again? Not on your life.........!

    4) Chill out a bit; it's only a sample library forum.

    5) Oh yes, and ignore me; at my age I'm probably senile anyway [*-)]


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    @PaulR said:

    I'm an expert in comparative English grammar btw.

    Get my drift Julie? Or is it someone else?

    Is there anybody out there?


    So, by saying 'you thought was an insult,' your implying that I'm not even smart enough to be an idiot? I was hoping it wasn't that simplistic, and that you weren't insulting me yet again for no reason. I guess Nick is right, you are just ornery. I'll know to steer clear of you in the future.

  • Missing you already! Don't be a stranger! Keep in touch with yer self!

    [:'(] [:'(] [:'(]


    Bye then!

    [:'(] [:'(] [:'(]


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    @Another User said:

    I'm an expert in comparative English grammar btw.

    Omigod I can't believe it! That's like so totally cool.

    You are *so* brillianter than us Markins.

  • Glad to see PaulR is being his usual helpful self. As a past "victim" (for victim read someone who had to endure post after post of drivel from the man before I realised what a waste of time it and he was), you have my sympathy, but you will get over him in, ummmm, 2 seconds...

    Rite of Spring is the first 20th century piece I was exposed to early in life, and remains one of my favourite modern pieces. It was written specifically so that VSL epic horns could be used in synth orchestral mock up situations when the library released them.

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    @rawmusic said:

    Glad to see PaulR is being his usual helpful self. As a past "victim" (for victim read someone who had to endure post after post of drivel from the man before I realised what a waste of time it and he was), you have my sympathy, but you will get over him in, ummmm, 2 seconds...

    I recommend you watch School for Scoundrels. Then maybe you'll stop being a victim. Or a fucking idiot - if you prefer.

    When you know anything that's worth me commenting on - then maybe you'll get some help - until then - you're on your own.

  • ...moderation anyone?

  • [8-)]

  • DG,

    You could never be considered senile.

    Some more tips.

    Take everything with a pinch of salt.
    The best humour is laughing at yourself first. Anything after that is a bonus.
    A sense of humour is like mulitlayered samples. You can be a tremolo, Legato, Pizzicato, or at the reactionary end, a messy soprano. And a sense of humour comes with dynamics too!
    And for what it's worth, I'm not that fond of Harry Potter either. Sold a lot of books, and the marketing's fabulous, but the writing's long winded.

    Regards to you all,


    p.s. I can be articulate, I can be intelliigent, and i can still use my brain for something else besides taking the bait.

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    @hermitage59 said:

    p.s. I can be articulate, I can be intelliigent, and i can still use my brain for something else besides taking the bait.

    Yeah - I can be positive, I can be negative, and I can speak my mind....


    Next time you open you mouth, don't go shouting for the moderators because you decided to make a fool of yourself. You spoke your - and then you got an answer.

  • I spoke my -?

    BTW I really enjoyed what you had to say in the Mozart and Glass thread.

  • "if you can't say something nice..." - rawmusic

    Is this a quote from Thumper in Bambi? I want to know. Because my basic response to this is:


    That is what you were going for isn't it?

  • Oh dear God, it's contagious...everybody quick make sure you have had your shots!

    THanks for pointing out where my sig comes from. I haven't watched Bambi since I was a toddler.


    So, Ladies and Gentlemen - can we now PLEASE get back to a friendly, on-topic discussion?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • now im in a problem.

    where can i get these mallets?
    nobody seems to have heard of it and i want to get my piece performed.
    i want to start rehersals and i can get those mallets! (the superball...)

    where can i but them?
    and do they have a different name?